My corgi, Tesni, just turned one and due to severe atopic dermatitis we started her on Atopica for her itching, scratching and licking. We are still unsure if the medication is working. It's been a week and I don't seem to see an improvement. But my main concern right now is her paws. She is actually licking the black off and they are turning pink. I wrapped one paw tonight with neosporin because she licked it raw. I think she has created a horrible lick and itch cycle that won't break, so I plan on wrapping one foot at a time until the pads heal.

My question is will the black return on her paw pads? And if so, how long will it take?

I think our next plan of action is to test her. From reading past discussions, it seems like the corgi breed is predisposed to an itchy scratch problem. Looking at some of the stomachs and back legs of other corgi's, I don't feel so alone. I, too, have bathed her in oatmeal baths, use topical conditioners, spray the yard for fleas, put topical frontline, give benadryl, brush constantly, use no grain food, give vitamin suppliments and fish oils, and all to no avail. I only wish I could find a solution.

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Have you had her tested for allergies? That might be the next step. Also, do you use any kind of carpet freshner in your house? (I don't think too many people do now) I had a dog that was allergic to the fragrance they put in the freshner.
Hi Monica and Tesni, sounds just like the problems I have with Charlie. He will lick his paws until they are raw.

You seem do be doing all the right things for your baby. Maybe she has fungal infection in between her toe pads. The feet stay wet and moist and then the licking just adds to the problem.

My vet told me to try to keep Charlies feet dry and trim the hair in between his toes. Ha - that will never happen. Thats the only thing he will not let me do to him. I can dry them off but he will bite if I try to mess with his toe pads. Scissors and a snapping corgi - a really bad situation.

They can also get secondary skin infections from all the scratching and licking and could possibly need an antibiotic. However, antibiotics make the fungal thing worse(None of this may even
apply to your Tesni's problems.)

I have found that the paw licking can almost turn into an obsession with Charlie. Just try to keep her paws dry, even in between her toes - if she will let you.

Charlies problems are worse in the summer, he does great in the winter. He keeps me busy trying to make him feel better, but he is my baby and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Charlie sends licks, scratches and plenty of sympathy from Tn. We hope she feels better soon.
Ein does this, too. He seems to have learned what "Quit chewing on your feet" means, because we say it so much. He chews his pads and his legs.

You can try spraying her paws with bitter apple. Most dogs dislike the taste, so they won't chew. Unfortunately for us, Ein isn't one of them. When he gets bad, we rotate between neosporin and doggy anti-itch cream (I think it's hydrocortizone, but I can't remember - we got it at Petco).
Yes, I have started using bitter apple over the weekened and it seems to help a bit. Like your dog, the taste doesn't seem to deter her as much like it would for other dogs.
I found out through a holistic dog magazine that virgin coconut oil is good for any skin conditions. Has to be bought at health food store and must be VIRGIN coconut oil. People use it too. Has worked wonders for some of my friends with dogs with this problem. One teaspoon for 10 lb dog and up to 3 tblsp. for larger breeds. I have used it for years for my big dogs and they have beautiful coats. My show friends also use it for their dogs and they all love the taste. As with anything it will take MAY time and can also be applied topically. Best of luck in whatever you try. Connie
My Corgi, Heidi, is only 6 months old and she has recently started licking her paws. It's not bad yet, and they don't seem raw or even any different, but I'm trying to get her to stop doing it now, while it's hopefully not TOO ingrained yet...

Does anyone's Corgis who do this have smelly feet? Her feet smell kind of...mouse-y - not just when she licks them, all the time now. It makes me think of mange, but she isn't losing any hair or scratching or licking anywhere else.

This is a picture of Heidi on my bed. I told her "Stop chewing your feet!" and she fell asleep with her foot in her mouth. Her lip is kind of draped over it. LOL.

My corgi Daisy does something similar. We found fleas a couple months ago, about 2 or 3 of them. Instantly bathed her, the other dog, the cat, her bedding and our bedding. It went away and then flared right back up. Now she has spots on both her front legs and started knawing at one on her back leg. She does have allergies and is on meds for that. Tonight I broke down and wrapped her front two paws. I couldn't take it anymore they just look so bad! Worst hot spots I have ever seen on a dog! So I cleaned them through and wrapped with neosporin. We use oatmeal bath and frontline on her as well. Used oils and vitamins in her food and also nothing seems to work. The only difference between our dogs seems to be the location. Daisy is on the front of her leg not her paw and I can take pics if someone thinks they know what it may be. I am willing to try anything once or twice.


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