Molly is 6 months old and we have recently had issues when she's around other dogs, but only when they are at our house. Before other dogs come over, I'm very deligient about picking up all her hidden treats (i.e. cookies, toys, bones). This is what happens when Karma, 1 one year old basset comes over. They great each other and start to rumble and play. About 30 minutes or so into the visit, when they have stopped playing, Molly turns crazy. Shows her teeth, growls, goes after Karma. Karma then defends hersleft and eventually gets Molly on her back. Then about an hour later, the same things happens. Then it happnes again. My issue is that it gets worse and worse each time. More teeth, more growling, more trying to be dominant. I don't want anyone to get hurt but I'm afraid that's what's going to happen.

Anyone have any advice?

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Is Molly spayed? She is being very territorial.
Molly is spayed. So is Karma.
I have heard that when you introduce dogs into their territory you should first introduce them away from their territory. If you cant do that then I would introduce them at least a few houses away from theirs and then walk the two dogs back to the house and have them play outside for awhile and then take them indoors, it should help the territorial issue hopefully.

Over the summer we went to Minnesota and my brother in law has a corgi and when we introduced them for the first time we met at an open field by their house and then we walked to their house let the dogs play outside and gradually we took our dog in their house. We left our dog outside for a little while to give my brother in laws dog a chance to take it all in.
Molly and Karma have been around each other off an on since Molly was about 12 weeks old. So do you think this should happen every time they see each other?
hmmm..I wouldnt think it should happen every time. Do you discipline the dogs when they start getting too rough.....I would discipline them and let them know its not ok to act out and maybe seperate them in other rooms for a little while until them calm down and then let them play for a little while more...seperate and do this until they get the idea they have to always play nice.

My sister has a pug who is the same age as our corgi and they play roughly when they were younger although no baring of teeth or anything like that but when they got to be too much we would seperate them after a while and let them calm down, they seem to do fine while seperated, still on the same floor as each other, one was just gated off from the other. Now that they are older they play calmer and when it does get out of control we tell them to cool it and they do. Is Karma a girl? Maybe the two girls are trying to figure out who is boss? The one who is in their own territory maybe getting more aggressive, is that the case?
I do seperate them every time they act like this. Karma is also a girl. Yes, it's the case that it happens when Karma is in Molly's territory. We are going to see if this happens when Molly is in Karma's territory.

It's really scary. I don't want Molly to act like this. I really need to fix it but I just don't know how.
Have you taken her to obedience training? I would tallk with a dog trainer....and see what kind of advice they can give you so you can fix it before it really gets out of hand.
We have been to puppy class. I think we need basic obedience training. It sure can't hurt. Thanks for the help
Obedience training is a good thing, I dont think there is ever such a thing as too much training! Corgis can be bossy and they need to know they are not the boss!
When you do bring Molly into Karmas territory remember to have them meet outside the house first, preferably away from the house and progess to backyard and then bring the dogs inside after introductions outside....good luck let me know how that goes.


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