Molly is 6 months old and we have recently had issues when she's around other dogs, but only when they are at our house. Before other dogs come over, I'm very deligient about picking up all her hidden treats (i.e. cookies, toys, bones). This is what happens when Karma, 1 one year old basset comes over. They great each other and start to rumble and play. About 30 minutes or so into the visit, when they have stopped playing, Molly turns crazy. Shows her teeth, growls, goes after Karma. Karma then defends hersleft and eventually gets Molly on her back. Then about an hour later, the same things happens. Then it happnes again. My issue is that it gets worse and worse each time. More teeth, more growling, more trying to be dominant. I don't want anyone to get hurt but I'm afraid that's what's going to happen.
Anyone have any advice?