I am looking into some more personal, one-on-one training for my corgi. I've already done the PetSmart training and Tucker learned some behaviors and "tricks" but he has some other behavior issues that aren't really addressed to the extent that I think I needed to train him. Has anyone done one-on-one training and how much did it run?

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I haven't done one on one training, I do classes, but my trainer is awesome! It's basically one-on-one because if a dog needs individual attention, she will give it. If you have an individual question, she will devote the time to answer it. I haven't been to a Petsmart or Petco class, so I'm not sure what they're like. But the place I went, which was probably a little pricier, had small classes and the trainer is just great. Depending on what the problem is, and how long/how many sessions are needed, I would expect about $100. Not sure though.

What issues are you having that you think you need one on one training? Try searching online for training classes in your area. Most people who teach classes, also teach privately. It sounds like you're doing the responsible thing by looking in to it!
Tucker has some aggression issues that the trainer in our class was unable to devote the time needed towards that issue due to the agenda they keep from week to week

I want to do all that I can to help Tucker
Oh no. I haven't had any experience with aggression, otherwise I would try and give you some tips. :( Going to a trainer for one on one sounds like the best idea.
I am doing one-on-one training right now with my corgi to deal with my dog's aggression issues. The sessions are about $65 and I also pay for his mileage with is running about $3.

I definately think it is helping my dog and it is giving me confidence.
What type of aggression have you seen with your corgi?
What type of aggression were you seeing?
My parents have a cat and he attacked the cat (yes most dogs seem to dislike cats), if I would not intervened I fear he would have killed the cat. He also doesn't seem to like kids either. There was an instance where we went to the park and a boy was playing with a bat and ball and Tucker went after the ball but since the boy wouldn't give it to him, Tucker got upset and nipped him. There were also some kids playing across the street and Tucker got out of my control and he went towards them. I am only 24 at this time and I eventually want to have kids so I would like to correct Tucker's behaviour now before it becomes too ingrained in who he is. I have also seen that he is starting signs of aggression towards people coming to the front door and doesn't listen when I tell him to let up and that it is ok. He has never been aggressive towards me. He doesn't even bite when playing. He does however think that my boyfriend is a chew toy and that is all he is good for. I am really wanting to make sure that since he is young I correct any bad behavior now rather than have to get rid of him later if it gets worse especially when I do have kids of my own.
I recommend you search for a trainer through APDT which is a great website associated with Dr. Ian Dunbar. There is a great article there on how to choose a dog trainer.

The school I work at charges $60 per hour for private instruction. In-home privates are more expensive but sometimes necessary because some issues only show up at home.

I recommend you get references and credentials from whatever trainer you choose. Make sure they have years of experience in aggression. We've been noticing lots of these private businesses cropping up offering people opportunities to learn dog training in a matter of three weeks and then go off and practice on their own. Some places only require two weeks of training before allowing people to offer instruction. These people do not have the skills and experience to deal with behavior issues and can make the problem worse.

Personally I recommend and train using only positive reinforcement techniques. I have seen amazing things accomplished with aggressive dogs using positive reinforcement techniques and this enables you to build a stronger bond with your dog while working on the issue.
As for aggression issues, stores like PetSmart (at which I'm a trainer) don't like us to deal with it. There are liability concerns for a large company.

As for a private trainer, do your homework. Check out their certifications and training. Ask for references. Remember you're trusting them with someone precious. Trainer fees vary depending on how they train. Some want to keep your dog for a week or so and then charge a one time fee plus hourly. Some do the "lifetime" fee thing. Some are strictly by the hour.

Be sure your trainer is positive method training only. When dealing with any kind of aggression, you must remember that aggression breeds aggression. You aggress toward your dog, they will do the same. For example, you mention putting him in the crate by the collar. To a dog, this is a very aggressive, threatening posture. Naturally, after a time of feeling threatened, your dog will aggress and his frustration will come out on whoever is holding the collar.

It's important that we learn how to encourage our dogs to do things they may not want to do without causing fear. Fear aggression is something you can retrain, but you will need to be very patient and follow the positive methodology to a tee.

Good luck!
Don't know Debbie's last name, but I have talked to her on email. I don't remember what she charges.
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I currently am only doing private obedience classes but have been training corgis for 25 years but I also train all breeds and other species. If you are interested in talking about classes feel free to give a call. I can be reached at 408-258-4463.


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