my friend went to the dog park the other day and she saw this lady with 6 corgi and pembrokes and there was a grey one not a merle but a grey color like a husky??? And it was a prembroke not a cardi.....?

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Could be a few answers for this. Tri colored dogs when they are shaved often look like a gray dog. There is a color that sometimes crops up referred to as a "bluie" but usually doesnt present itself as a gray coat color but a muted color of the normal coloring with a difference in the nose leather and eye rims. Could it be that it was a vallhund? They look very much like pems though are a bit taller and possess different coat colors. If not perhaps it was a very corgi looking mix. Pems do not come in the color gray
ditto Sam on the coloring. I refer to it as charcoal grey because it's so dark that it's almost black. Links to photos below.

This is a Swedish Vallhund. As Sam said, they're a lot like Pembrokes but have different coat colors.
Georgeous Val! I'd love to own one someday, but they're so rare that we'll never be able to afford to buy one. If I ever win the lottery, we're getting one. The perfect family: A Pem, a Cardi, and a Val.
Pems and Cardis can be that type of Sable too... but most Sable Pems and Cardis aren't that "wolfy" sable like Vallhunds.
Beautiful Vallhund! Off the web or posted by owner? Linda
Off the web. ;)
Here is the Swedish website of the Swedish "Vallhund" - or "Västgötaspets" as the Swedish name is:

I guess that most of you will have a hard time finding your way around this website - it's in Swedish - so here is a direkt link to their picture gallery of 2007:

The Swedish "Vallhund" - Västgötaspets - is an ancient herding dog. It is said that the Vikings had them. The "Vallhunds" are thought to be related to the Corgi far back. Some people say that the Vikings brought Corgis to Sweden, and that they developed into the Swedish Vallhund (= herding dog). Others say that it was the other way around...

This dog is not so common in Sweden either, but more common than in the US, I think...

Ein is a bluie. He's a dark charcoal grey rather than black. His eyes are also grey-ish and not brown.

It was much more obvious when he was a puppy, and much more obvious in person than in photos. The ER doctor that treated him a week and a half ago commented on what a lovely/unusual blue color he had.

Here are a few Ein pics that I happen to have in my photobucket account.

And if you put him right next to Greg's red headed tri, you can really see the difference between Nick's black and Ein's charcoal grey:


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