Started this discussion. Last reply by Avyon Dec 3, 2007. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Linda Moore has not received any gifts yet
Posted on November 20, 2007 at 10:13pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
I am in St. Louis and do Corgi Rescue. See the PSC group. I work with the Lake Shore Corgi Rescue Group. We have unfortunatley lost out transport person in the Northern Chicago area. If you or anyone that you know with some dog knowledge would be interested in helping us with transport, please email me or post and I will email you. We usually move dogs from the Northern Chicago area to Wisconsin. We call these "legs" and they are usually about two hours. We cannot pay for gasoline, but the…
ContinuePosted on November 20, 2007 at 9:55pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
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Last year, through a friend who had a friend who knew someone with a Corgi I "rescued" a 7 year old female Pem. The sweetest little girl, she had only one eye open, I thought for sure she had kidney failure, weighed in at 57 pounds and just flopped in my driveway when her people dropped her off. Dirty, so dirty...
After several thousand dollars and bi-weekly vet visits for month's we just celebrated having her for 1 year on April 27th. She can see out of both eyes, runs circles around my boy, weighs 37 pounds and is my little shadow. She is the one on the right in my profile picture.
I'm really looking forward to working with you and will be waiting for your permission letter. And yes, I always need good reference photos, so please send me as many as you can. My e-mail address is:
I would be happy to list a painting on eBay, with a percentage of the proceeds going to support Lake Shore Corgi Rescue Group. If your not a member of Mission Fish you will need to provide me with a permission letter that has your groups letter head on it. This is per eBay regulations in order for me to list an auction for your group. If you follow this link to one of my auctions you will see an example of the letter I need.
Also, you might consider applying for membership in Art Helping animals, We are a group of animal artists from all around the world who support animal rescues through the sale of our artwork. There is a waiting list of charities wanting membership and as one of the founding members I could put in a good word for your rescue once it's on the list. :)
You can e-mail a request for an application to:
Let me know if you have any questions!
I want to get Charlie into Agility or Flyball, but have heard to wait until he is between one and two years old to avoid damage to his growing bones. My plan is just working on "good dog" manners and obedience until then.
What age do you start your Corgi-kids in athletics?
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