How many corgis does everyone have? How do their personalities differ?

As most of you know, we recently added corgi #2 Baby Emmy to our little family. As the days pass, she gets smarter and seems more advanced at her age (4 1/2 months) than Sage was- she's been doing the stairs for weeks! It took Sage until she was a year old. Also, Emmy is very mouthy when being disciplined, and Sage was more of a hang-my-head-cus-i-know-i'm-guilty kind of dog. We always read books on Pembrokes and they all seem to say females are super energetic (duh) and bossy.

What kind of personalities do your corgis have?

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I think you will find that the personalities run the gamut. My experience has been that generally the boys are more tolerant and laid back. They seem to like to be "with" you but the girls like to be "on" you. I find that generally the girls run the show, have a bit sharper personality and are a bit more reactive then the boys. If there are challenges it more often seems to be between two girls then two boys. We often recommend the male/female combo when people like to have more than one corgi. Sounds like your new corgi girl is a more confident and bold girl then your first. I am thinking you would do well to find a training facility in your area. I think Emmy is going to present far more challenges than Sage did.
I have 2 ,a boy and a girl. They are so different in personality. Augie is such a boy, he's the protector of the family. Wherever my girls are, he will be close by. If they go outside, he has to go with them. He is a very compliant dog, and willing to please. He will let he girls dress him up to play house with them. He personifies quiet strength.
When we decided to get a second, my breeder suggested a female, because he's the alpha dog. Charlotte is the perfect compliment to him. She is my busybody, looking after the cats, watching the girls, looking outside to see who may dare to walk by our house. She is always by Augies side. They sleep side by side, or butt to butt When I come in the house, she does her little happy dance, jumping up on her back legs like a circus dog. She's also a licker, she licks toes, ears, whatever or whoever happens to be close. They are the best little honeys anybody could ask for.,
We only have our little girl but Chris is constantly talking about getting her a playmate so Im sure we'll be getting corgi #2 when the right place and time comes along.

She's a sweetheart but as others have said being a female she takes advantages of situations. She has learned which friends/family of ours allows her to get away with things and takes full advantage of them hehe.

Besides that she's a fast learner and turns into mush when you have to tell her she's bad. She has grown a little too dependent on us being around though which is starting to worry me.. freaks out if both of us leave the room and someone's holding her hahaha.
We have 2, 1 boy 1 girl.

Mocha is very calm, loves other dogs, loves people all age, he is a true alpha dog, he'll only make a sound when there's something really going wrong. He comes to you when he needs attention and leave us alone when he found other things to occupy himself. He's the opportunistic type, he constantly pushes and test our boundary, especially during night time and host impromptu chase session. He avoid water, rain, puddle...etc like a plaque. Mocha snores and loves the down pillow, his ritual is fluffing the pillow with his paws and then snooze, he often sleeps with his 4 paws up.

Vienna is very alert, she is my shadow, she keeps an eye on me and easily freak out if anything happens, even though she's the first to bark or investigate when things are happening, she's really a beta or "drama queen" . Vienna is good with other corgis, but not very good with other bigger size dogs, she gets protective and think that there is a need to make sure i'm okay. She okay with adults and kids, when she's got enough attention from strangers, she'll just simply walk away, however, she can never get enough from Silvia and I. Vienna loves the water, she will jump into anything that resembles water, she loves to swim and often show off, she loves to swim around me and back and fourth from the shore. Vienna is not a very vocal dog, I have never hear her whine, she love to use her paws to wake me up when she wants to go out early in the morning, she never leaves, i guess you can say she is the loyal type :)
My experience is that the lady on the Cardigan Breed All About It episode got Corgi personalities dead on with "Corgis range from 'Hi, I'm a Corgi, you're a people, Let's party! to [a perennial worrier]".
Dexter was very much the first kind, Mandy is very much the second and Tracker is somewhat of the first, but relies on his Lhasa brother, Charlie for attention beyond food, petting and a little bit of game playing. The other two were "only dogs" and seemed to be forced into more human reaction than Tracker.
Kiyo was a real trouble making according to my breeder, but once I showed her who was boss she is extremely obedient. I couldn't believe how much she tries to please when we're doing school time. There are two times she doesn't listen to me- when we're around new people (she just FREAKS out and goes crazy sniffing and trying to jump up on them) and when she doesn't want to do something (like a showertime occasionally) otherwise she 100% of the time will come when called and is very keen to oblige :)
My two spayed female Corgis are VERY different from each other. Kacey, the six-year-old, is sweet, quiet, stubborn (!) and very independent. She prefers to lie under our bed or fall asleep on the couch or area rug. She is quiet around guests and never jumps on people. Lilly, the two-year-old female, is a handful. She acts more like a Jack Russell! She barks energetically, runs and jumps like a deer, vies for attention all the time, and insists on sleeping velcroed to my side. She plays with all kinds of toys with tug-of-war being the favorite. Kacey prefers to chew quietly on a rawhide and just watch.


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