Wonder how often you bathe your Corgi? How do they react to it ? Brynn was very afraid at first, but now seems to like it . I bathe her in our double sink , one for wash the other to rinse.She loves it when we dry her off :) I give her a bath every 2 weeks. Is this too much ?

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rufus doofus red paws! :)
I usually give Rosie a bath once a month in the winter and every couple of weeks in the summer. Rosie loves water and also loves to swim. We have a creek that runs through our property and Rosie dives in and swims when the weather is warm. She loves to take a bath. She will jump in and out of the shower when I take my shower. The only problem that we have had with bathtime is when she rolled in a dead opossum out in the alfalfa field. She smelled so bad that my husband had to bathe her because it was actually making me sick. Rosie thought she smelled wonderful!
Rosie loved the her smell of dead opossum...kind of ironic
I give Bibi a bath every month. she HATES it, but loves the drying off part. I'd like to know how often other corgis get baths, too.
I used to bath about every two weeks, but we are now on the "as needed" policy. In the winter when there is snow on the ground and it is not slushy. Romps in the snow are very cleansing--baths are rare. When the snow starts to melt we do a lot of paw cleaning and when they find something delightfully stinky to roll in then we go for the full body shampoo. I brush them frequently and will use a spray on "refresher" that makes them smell good and the coat shiney.
Gizmo gets a monthly bath at the beginning of every month in the spring/summer/fall. He'll get a bath more often as needed if he gets really dirty and smells, but that isn't too often. Fewer in the winter, basically just when he gets really dirty from mud/snow/whatever he decides to roll in outside. When he hears the bath water running, he goes hiding. I fill the water in the tub just a few inches, about up to the underside of his belly. In the tub he just stands there looking pathetic. But boy does he love it afterwards, tearing around the house, diving on the floor.... and even better in the summer, lounging on the back deck in the sunshine until his fur is all dry and super fluffy
I bathe Muffin about once a month or as needed. We have a back yard full of Georgia red clay. Sometimes her paws get very muddy. Otherwise, Corgis seem to be very clean dogs. Whenever we are out around people, they always, comment about her shiny coat and how clean she is.
I don't think so, we have to bathe obi once a week because he gets filthy. He hates his bath, but he sort of grudgingly tolerates it. He hates the blow-dryer though, he cries and yelps, I try not to use it. We go to this place on sundays after the dog park in huntington beach.
Oakley LOVES to go to our cabin on the weekends. Needless to say, she can get QUITE dirty :D There are times when we bath her once or twice a week. I highly recommend Earthbath shampoos for frequent bathing. It is all natural and doesn't strip the oils from their coats. It is fairly expensive (3x the cost of my OWN shampoo, LOL) but well worth every penny. I also highly recommend getting a showerhead that detaches so that you don't have to fill the tub up at all. This make Oakley much much more willing to have a bath. The best way to tell if you're bathing your dog "too" much is by the condition of their coat. Some dogs don't produce much natural oil and should never be bathed while others can be bathed as often as you want. A good quality shampoo is also important.
I try to bathe my two cardis once a month. Our female TOLERATES but with a very snooty attitude. Bathing our male is like attempting to wrestle a bear-he LOVES a bath.
Normally Brody only gets a bath about once a month - and I used a detachable shower head. He doesn't love them, but tolerates them. This morning I saw him climbing in the compost bin -- so I guess it's another bath when I get home tonight.
Ooo the compost bin...lovely


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