Hello to all....just wondering if all Corgis have problems with shedding? Bailey sheds alot all the time. My vet said it is just the breed. I brush him often but he still sheds.

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One weeks worth and you might get the volume but not the mass. Maybe hard felting techniques?
I went home for Christmas for about a week and a half, so that's the last time I got to see Bella (and her mom, Sif). I still find the occasional dog hair on clothes and stuff that I didn't even take home! So of course I always keep a lint roller in my car. Once we get our own place and have her with us all the time, I'll need a few more... And a better vacuum!
Occassionally someone will comment "You're covered with fur!" (especially on my black wool winter coat). I don't even make sheepish excuses anymore. I just say "Yes, I am!" and smile. Three cats and a dog makes for a houseful of fur...and love. :)
I haven't mentioned yet my parents other two dogs... We have 2 corgis, a west highland white terrier, and a bichon frise. Lots of shedding! Matt complained to me one day how you can't even sit down in the house without being covered first in dogs, then in dog hair. He's just gonna have to get used to it, because once we get our own home, I want at least one more corgi... maybe two. Lol.
WOW!! you might want to invest in a couple of those Furminators!!!! hahaha! I shouldnt complain,,, I want another corgi already too!! So I guess the shedding must not be that much of an issue huh? :)
We have an undercoat rake and it really helps with Devo and Ruby. Some times I take them out on the front porch and just let the hair drift around the neighborhood. I usually keep a bag or two from the spring coat blowing to tuck around plants in my garden in hopes that it will keep the squirrels and other rodents away. I am not sure if it works 100%, but the hair breaks down and adds nitrogen to the soil so it can't hurt! We put most of it in the compost pile all year round.

We have hardwood floors which seem much easier to keep clean than carpeted floors. I whizz the vacuum around several times a week and that does a good job! Dyson makes a vacuum specifically for pet hair - has anybody tried it?

I've seen books about spinning yarn from dog hair and knitting with it. I am not sure how Corgi hair is evaluated for spin worthiness....!!

My mom has the Dyson (Animal or something I think-- It's purple and gray). It works better than any other vacuum she's used.
So, I noticed some loose hair on Augie today, so I decided to Furminate him a bit. I am trying to upload the picture of the mound of hair I got off him, but am having camera troubles. Anyway, it filled a plastic shopping bag!! I also have pictures of Charlotte trying to hide from me when it was her turn.


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