I am curious to find out how long does the blowing of a coat last? The minute it began to warm up, POW, tufts are coming out everywhere. I am brushing daily with a tooth comb to maintain. I know corgi's shed all the time, but I am wondering how long the actual "blowing coat" lasts?

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We just let the hair fly outside - that way the birds get a "cashmere" lined nest - that is if Brody doesn't chase it down first. He has a thing about trying to catch it in the air and eat it. But with a really good spring breeze it usually goes flying all over the neighborhood and make the birdies happy!
Corgis shed twice a year, october-april, may-september. lol
Lord help me ! Noooooo !!!! :)
My corgi tends to just shed continuously, she has never had the big tufts of hair coming out. Just a continuous shedding of the undercoat. My next carpet will match the color of her undercoat hair!
LOL.... how long? Uhhhhh... how does forever sound to you? At least Ginny loves to be brushed. That's the good news.
I couldn't help but reply to this old post. I'm fairly new here and couldn't resist.

I have to second the suggestion of the FURMINATOR. it's a little bit on the pricey side...but it's worth every penny (i even use it on carpets). Bunni was a little hesitant at first but she tolerates it more than the other brushes. We DO miss the soft puppy fur that she used to have. If you brush your corgi regularly, you might not even be able to tell that the coat is blowing.

Dyson is a great brand that many pet owners swear by. I use a rubber broom with squeegie on the reverse end for my hardfloors. That roomba vacuum in the mycorgi shop section looks convincing too.

Even with all these great tools, expect to have corgi hair in your food, hair, clothing, car, shoes...everywhere. All this trouble they see us go through with their fur...Maybe that's why they're smiling all the time.

-bunni, stef & Jason
Trunks actually has tufts off and on year round. He sheds all the time. He hates to be brushed, so it is a fun time for us. I am planning on getting a furminator to help out this year.

As for the tufts, I am a self declared tuft plucker. I don't know why, but it is fun to pull out those loose tufts. Trunks looks at me as if I am trying to kill him. Maybe I should join tuft-pluckers annonymous.
OOHHH, I love tuft pulling also. Maybe we need to start a group!!
Count me in on the Corgi tuft pulling supprt group!
Hahahhah we can sit around and create more corgis with the fluff we pull off!
Know what you mean about pulling out the "gobs" of hair. I used to walk down our dirt road with my retriever lab Ted and
"peel" out the tufts and let them fly! The birds and mice love it for nests. My Akita is the same way. Now my Corgi sheds
all the time, but hasn't blown out yet....yeah!
I did this with my old Rotty.. my old apartment had a front porch on the second floor and I would sit with him and brush him.. until I noticed that all the hair flew down and neatly piled up in the nice old ladies small fenced yard next door.

I noticed when I noticed this really really old women trying to bend over and pick it all up :( so of course I went down and apologized and cleaned it all up.. I should have realized but just didn't think *covers face in shame*


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