My breeder called and little Daisy had a week long date with her Beau, Chip! I'm so excited! I think this excitement is a close 2nd to when I found out I was pregnant with one of my 3 human babies! My husband finds it very amusing. It's like surrogate motherhood. LOL How long does it take to find out if a dog is indeed expecting? Thought I would share my good news. Can't wait to bring our new pup home and start sharing pics, videos and stories with all of you! 5 more months, seems like forever!

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Some breeders check their girls at the 21 day mark when an experienced vet can often palpate them. Some also choose to ultrasound but usually not until around the 5 to 6 week period, some do it later. Others will x-ray a week before the due date to see how many pups are expected. Others just wait and see.
Oh Congrats!! You must be so excited. We'll be having those upstate NY playdates before you know it! Please keep us all posted! Tracie


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