What is the average distance allowed to drive for picking up your corgi/price for getting one/which kind should you get?

I've been looking and looking, I've been on petfinder.com, to the human society, even to websites of human society's outside Michigan! I believe I have now found the perfect corgis that I'm looking at, one his name is Oliver, a Border Collie/Corgi mix, boy, medium size, Oliver came in a littler of 7, he was born October 16th and all of his siblings are gone, he is up to date with routine shots and has been altered. He is in Wixom, MI. Now another one I'm looking at is Venus, she is just 3 months old (4/9), is a pure corgi, female, and is medium size. She is located in Dearborn.
This is the question, which one should I get?
Another question is on Monday I walked a dog named Toby, he is Collie/German Shepherd mix. He's at the human society, waiting to be adopted! No one has adopted him yet or even thought about it yet! But I don't know if I should get him because he could really get adopted any second! Right?
See how questioned I am? I need deep help! Please!!!

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I believe picking which dog really depends on individual situation and what you want in a dog. While you may like both of them, they sound fairly different, so you should really think about what you want in your dog. I don't think the distance to go get it should be a deciding factor if you are willing to go to either place.
You should meet each dog in person if you can, and see their personalities. Also consider the size since Border/Collie would be bigger. How much do you want to put into initial training? The younger girl will need a lot more training and care to begin with, though at 6 months, the boy will still need quite a bit as well. Do you have time to devote to the required training?
Look at their personalities: is the dog hyper, mellow, barks too much, too clingy (prone to SA), not cuddly enough, likes other dogs, likes strangers, etc.etc.

As far as the other dog goes, if you were to get it, would you get the corgi as well, or just that dog? Would you get it for yourself, or like a temporary foster to try and find it a home? If you plan on taking two dogs permanently, do you have the time to devote to training 2 dogs? What if they don't get along? Can you devote individual time to each of them? Can you afford having twice as many toys/food/etc. to buy?

I'm just throwing out ideas and things to consider that might help you pick the right dog(s), I don't think someone could really help you decide without knowing your individual situation, what you want in a dog, what you can afford, and what the dogs are like. You shouldn't get a dog just because you feel bad for it or think it's cute, really consider the personality and how they would fit into your life style for at least the next 10 years and more :)

The right dog will come along, whether it's one of these or not, now or later. Best of luck in your search!
Thank much! All these questions are really helping me. I'm writing most of them down so I can see which one is best. Thank you very much... again.
In my opinion, I would wait for the right dog, the right personality that matches you and your lifestyle. Having a dog is a long commitment, sure there are other dogs that are available at THIS very moment, but availability should not be THE reason to get a dog.
Yes, I thought about waiting to see if any more dogs/corgi/collie would pop up, just to open up some more options. So far nothing... :( But I'm not giving up, that perfect corgi/collie/dog is out there! :) Anyways thanks a lot! All this really truely helps! Thanks!!
They all sound like great dogs. I love each of the breeds and mixes can be amazing. So much will depend on the personality of the dogs. The shelters may be able to give you information about the dogs history. There are some online quizzes that can help you select a breed. I took two different ones and corgis came up on both for me! Do you have a fenced yard? How much space do you have? Both border collies and GSDs need a lot of space to run. Look forward to hearing about your new puppy!
Thanks, me too! I'm looking forward to getting a puppy! :) I don't have a fenced yard, I live in a neighborhood thats really small, there are tons of dogs that the dog could play with, most of my neighbors have dogs. There is a huge area between all of the houses on my street, it might be about 5 yards wide and 2 yards long... I think... I'm not good at guessing those type of things. :) I can get some feedback from my neighbors about if I would have to fence in my yard. One neighbor has two Labs, the other saved a breed of dog that I can't remember... oh well, do you think those types of dogs would get along with the ones I'm looking at? :)
Sasha, sounds like you have some options. Have you interacted with each dog? Sometimes you don't know until you get home for a while to see if the new dog works for you. Just consider all the pros and cons of each.
I've rescued a few dogs in my time. If you read my page, you'll see I have 2 "special needs" dogs, one is a corgi
boy who has hydrocephalis (excess fluid in his brain). He is blind and some other issues but I love him dearly and "put up" with it all. He's not expected to live a long or normal life and I'd love to get a female for him as a coompanion. Our Akita doesn't really want to bother with him. If you decide against Venus, please let me know as we would be very interested in giving her a good home. I wish you luck in your decision. bless you for giving
a pet a home, they will reward you over and over. Take care. Penny Spencer
After unsuccessful searches in VA, we finally found Merlin's breeder in mid-North Carolina. It was four hours away (one way) and the second stretch of the trip was off of the interstate (I tell you, absolute middle of nowhere). We drove there and back in a day and now I can honestly say I would have gone half a country away for Merlin. So basically yeah, distance isn't even a question.
We looked for corgis or corgi mixes on and off for about four years. We found our corgi mix on the USMC base pretty close to home. For our purebred, we completely struck out in San Diego and ended up driving to the neighboring county, about an hour and a half away. Much shorter distance than so many others I've been reading about here!
Have you contacted Corgi Rescue in your area. I know that Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi Rescue, Inc is going to be taking in and helping with 16-20 more mill pups. These are puppies that a mill owner is surrendering. They a couple of weeks ago they took in about 15 and the owner is now giving up these as well. here's their website


You might contact them and if none are available yet they do have other corgis available

Happy searching!

Sylvia and Timmy
Thanks you guys! I deaply appreciate you helping me! I looked on the website for the Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi Rescue website. There weren't any I was quite interested in, but thank you! :) I've kinda thought about it and distance isn't the most important thing anymore, I'm not really caring wether it's 16 miles or 5 miles or 12 hours! I'm just waiting to see if either one is being looked at for adoption or getting adopted! I'm desiding that which ever one gets adopted first, I'll not get (... because it's getting adopted). =:D Well thanks for the help! It's well spent! :)
You might contact Lakeshore and ask about available pups, since a lot of the websites aren't updated frequently, especially since most people involved in rescure are looking after dogs and not doing web updating. I would contact the rescue coordinator and asking about new dogs coming into the program. Many of the dogs coming in are supposed to be pups rescued from a mill.



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