nollie is 3 months old and her ears are still not even hinting about perking up. don't get me wrong, she is adorable with her floppy little ears, but there is just something about those little faces with their ears standing tall. i've done the massaging of the ears and nothing. was just wondering when is it to late.

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my breeder said 12 weeks (my bailey's came up at 10 weeks)! looks like its time for some tape! =T my breeder suggested empty cardboard tampon tubes (yea dont ask.. haha) and some surgical tape. i don't think its too late! acutally looks like her ears are NOT completely floppy - i see some mid-air action (good sign!) =) good luck! what a cutie!
Lance had one ear up and one ear down at 14 weeks so the breeder taped it, we took off the tape and it still was floppy. The vet said to massage the ear with the dog laying in your lap like the puppys ears are standing up. Lance's ear did stand up within the next couple of weeks. Good Luck. Hope this helps you. Your puppy is so cute!
Nollie's a cutie! : - ) It's not too late. Most breeders recommend taping at 14 weeks. You leave the tape on for 5-7 days, and retape (if you need to) several cycles. You might also want to add a spoonful of non-fat or low-fat yogurt to her food until her ears are up. It's very high in calcium...her puppy teeth and her ears are battling for calcium. ; )
I can't get over how much Nollie looks like Rolo before his ears stood up! I thought they would never come up. He was almost 4 months, with tons of mid-air action going on... but he was really a fluppy puppy. My husband was getting worried, too.

Then all of a sudden one morning they "popped" and have been up ever since. I think I would have been happy either way... floppy or perky... but it all works out :)
I certainly don't think its too late, although Emma's were up at 5 weeks!

Just tape, tape, tape!
If they are not up by 3 months I would contact your breeder regarding taping them. Sometimes they pop up only to go down while they are teething. If they have not come up at all at this point I suspect they need some help. The breeder should also let you know when her pups ears normally come up or if they have exceptionally heavy ear leather.
My corgi's ears did not perk up until he was 8 months old- believe it! I thought they would certainly not and was so accustomed to his little floppy ears, long body phenomena. It took me getting used when they did actually rise.
I guess my advice would be don't massage- the vet/breeder told me it can actually damage cartilage. All the calcium C stuff, after I researched it- didn't seem to be dramatic in helping, so I forwent it. Chances are- you pup may be a late bloomer and I found that diving my pup plenty of development time/ exercise and food was the best thing? Did it make his ears go up? I don;t think so, it was in his genes. But, his Mom was a really late ear popper and his sibs too.
Go ears go!
Kiwi's ears didn't fully stand up until she was 8-9 months old. We didn't tape them, we just let them work out their problems on their own :). You can definitely tape them or you can wait a little while longer. I know Kiwi was miserable when we taped hers, so we just decided to wait and see what would happen. Even now, when she gets really tired, one will flop over, but they always return to their upright position when she's awake. Hope this helps.
I wouldn't get too worried as of yet but tapping could help. I had a pups ears not go up til almost 6 months old. You can cut moleskin to the form of the inner ear and use eyelash glue to adhere it. Then tape the ears connecting them together but not tightly. You may have to do this more then once w/ear cleanings in between. Teething can cause a sloppy ear as well. Good luck.
Good luck with the ears! Floppy ears are cute though, so I wouldn't mind if I had that problem. I was lucky, Freya's ears were up a little before she turned 6 weeks old.
I breed Corgis and never had a puppy ear that did not stand up until this month when I bought a new lil girl for my breeding program - her ear was up and then POOF it fell down. I called my vet and we taped it this a.m. She is about 10 weeks old now - I will gived you an update in two weeks if the taping works . . . it is really simple to tape the ear. Also, I am trying Vitamin C tablets for dogs - you can get them at Petsmart.
Nutmeg had one ear up and one down for weeks. I massaged the down ear for days, and at about 13 weeks it finally stayed up. I cried! When she's in trouble, her "weak" ear tends to stay lower. She's been in trouble alot lately. LOL! I kind of wanted her one ear up, and one down...but now she looks great.


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