Okay, so Merlin (turns one year in June) has always been....free spirited. Most of the time he'll do what he wants to with the occasional suggestion from us. I think we've just made it through puppy adolescence (rebellious, etc.) which was a new set of fun all together. Here's the question. Was anybody else worried when your Corgi (or dog) just suddenly turned into a perfectly behaved individual? The past two days Merlin has just been the model Corgi. He's calm, he's obedient, he stopped barking as much, he wants to be petted and snuggled....what's up? It freaks me out a little. Did my wild puppy become possessed?

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"The past two days Merlin has just been the model Corgi. He's calm, he's obedient, he stopped barking as much, he wants to be petted and snuggled....what's up? It freaks me out a little. Did my wild puppy become possessed? "

LOL No, he's just joking. He'll be a teenager again tomorrow. : - )

Charlie will also be one year in June, same as Josh. He occassionally shows me glimpses of the wonderful adult dog he will someday turn into when adolesence is really over. Kind of helps me continue to have patience and a sense of humor with his "teenage-ness". After three or four days of behaving just beautifully, he goes back to being a brat for two or three days.

Anyway, it is a good sign isn't it! I think you (and I) are seeing a bit of "the good dog" in our futures.

...I am however....expecting teenage "relapses" up through two years...June 2009!
Lol! Eowyn did the same thing. She use to be a rebel when she was a pup. Now she's 15 months and is perfectly behaved! She wants to listen now and I can let her off leash anywhere and she never goes in her crate. She can stay out when I'm gone during the day and out at night and won't do anything. She's been this way for a few months now and I'm loving it! I just hope she doesn't convert back! Lol!
I had a lab x chow mix and it was a sudden thing ....one day we realized he must be very ill. He wasn't acting like himself at all! He was four years old and suddenly overnight calmed down. He became a very sedate loving dog. We were so worried, but realized it must be "growing up." He was fine for years after that.
corgis will do that! My female Riley is also going to be 1 in june...we moved at the benginning of March, and ever since we moved, she has been a PERFECT ANGEL! I think she just loves having a yard to play in now. She has calmed down a LOT and been sooo sweet!
Frank is totally like this! He'll have days where he is the more perfect little guy and just wants some attention every now and then. Then they'll be days where he just reverts back into puppy mode and wants to be the center of attention. It is pretty awesome to get these glimpses of what he's going to be like when he's older and a little more wound down. I've actually found that after a pretty good walk on back to back days, I'm usually in a GREAT spot on that third day as he is still semi-tired and acts pretty good. Frank is a little over a year (~15 mos.) so he doesn't have too many super puppy days anymore, but every now and then he lets you know that he's still a kid! Too bad I can't get him to be more well behaved more of the time, then I could talk the future Mrs. Eff Jay into letting us have a little girl Corgi, as his good days are just great!

Now if we could only do something about the shedding...
The puppy days he will grow out of. The shedding....mmm, probably not. LOL
I remember the day when our corgi suddenly just snapped into a perfect angel. Didn't freak me out at all...but a HUUUUGE weight was lifted from my shoulders. I was sooo stressed out when she was acting like a little terror. Now, I feel so relieved that we can just leave her out of her crate when we leave and she has the run of the house. Now, we have another puppy and even though I'm not as stressed out as I was with Eowyn, I can't wait until he grows up. I don't want to wish his puppy hood away, but I just can't wait until I can just relax and run out the door whenever I need to without making sure he's gone pee and poop and getting him i his crate and what not.

But yeah, our corgi was terrible one day and the next, she was perfect and has been that way ever since. :-) It's such a nice feeling...


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