Anyone else out there own a Cojack? My girl is 1/2 Cardigan and the other half is JRT. She has long legs and all the excitement of the jack russell. I am new to Corgi's and looking for advice on what to expect from this mix.

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Hi Frank!
I can't speak for the JRT side, but from the corgi, expect him to be very smart, stubborn and vocal. They have some quirky behaviors (trying to "herd" you, frapping, rolling around/sleeping on his back with all 4 paws up in the air, "talking") and they are simply wonderful! I would expect with that mix he'll be a very fast runner. Ever consider agility?
She is very smart, stubborn, but not very vocal unless someone or something she doesn't like comes near. Her biggest problem seems to be jumping up on people. We are working on stopping it and she goes to obedience class in a couple of weeks. She is a VERT fast runner. We plan on agility later, just hope with hers long legs she doesn't have an unfair advantage over other corgi's.
I'll bet the jumping is a JRT trait!
We'll try Sid in agility when he's a little older.

If your girls' legs are very long she might get bumped up the the height catagory above the corgis. Then she can watch her corgi bretheren perform while she waits for them to adjust the field for the taller dogs. I bet she'll love it!
I love when Charlie talks. He is very vocal and sometimes can carry on a conversation for a good 2-5 minutes :) Our favorite noise is what we have named a "purl" which he does only when he is really excited. It sounds like he is rolling an R deep from the bottom of his throat up and out of his mouth. Everytime he does it for you it makes you feel so special!
I posted 4 pictures of my girl and her friend "Shorty". I think looking at your pictures that the Jack Russell shows more in him. Grace seems to have a little more Cardigan Corgi in her. I think she is also a little taller, longer, heavier. She weighs around 33lbs right now. I bet the two of them would have fun running together.
Wow that's an interesting combination! I'm sure it will probably be very smart with the corgi and don't they say Jack Russell are the smartest breed alive? I bet you will have fun with her. She'll be tenacious and stubborn I bet and will probably try to herd people and others. Also I'm quite sure she'll be VERY fast! Good luck with her, =)
Hi, I have a Cojack and a Corgi. My cojack, Chilli, is a cuddle bug. He loves to lay around with me. He does love to run around with a toy in his mouth to though. We use training bits too to teach him to do what we want. He is very eager to please. He is jealous just like a Corgi. He does great out at the park or on the town and draws alot of attention. I think it is a fun cross. I do love the clown attitude of my Full Corgi though. She is just fun to be around.
We got our CoJack from a shelter. She was a stray. The woman from the shelter said that she is part Welsh Corgi and JRT. We have had her for almost two years. She has really calmed down a lot. When we picked her up, after visiting her twice, she was jumping all over the place...we thought, "what are we getting ourselves into"! The lady said..."in two years she will be a couch potato". We thought she was crazy! BUT, she was right! Shadow is her name and she is a couch potato, except when we are outside. She loves to run and play and chase chipmunks, rabbits and squirrels!
Last summer we did break down and buy a shock collar. It was one that had the electric shock and a tone type of device for the dog. We only used the "shock" a couple of times, like running on the road or chasing after another dog or cat. We used it for about 3-4 months and haven't used it since. She listens very well. She even let's our 7yr old daughter carry her like a baby and tote her around the house. She is really good with kids, even the kids she doesn't's the adults that take walks in the morning past our house that she barks at...don't know why. Oh yeah, she barks at every Motorcycle that goes by too!
The only real problem we have is that she pulls us when we start on our walks. That can be fixed with some consistant training though! One other issue we had was that she was constantly chewing toilet paper and kleenex's. We ended up just keeping the bathroom door shut and putting the Kleenex out of her reach.
I'm sorry this is so long, but I wanted to give you all the info. I could. I just read some of the other posts and thought I would tell you this one...she "talks" too! She sounds like CHEWBACHA (sp) from Star's so cute!
Enjoy your dog!
Your fellow CoJack owner,
Thanks for the reply. We just finished beggining obedience with her and she has come along quite well. We are going to repeat the class just to be sure we have the basics down. Grace pulls on her leash when we walk, not as much since her classes. Our instructor suggested using an Easy Walk harness on her. The lead attaches to the front of the chest and when the dog pulls you can gently direct her to slow down or turn. We got one and I have used it for 2 walks and the difference in Grace is tremendous. We usually manage about 10 minutes in the front yard and 2 houses either direction, but las night we did half a block and crossed the street twice with very little pulling.

Grace only talks when she is extremely excited. She does bark a lot at people and critters passing by in the alley though. We are working to stop this, but I do wish she would talk to me a little more often.

She is 1-1/2 now and suffered an ear hemotoma which required surgery. One ear now stands up and the other is down. Depending on which side you look at she is either a Corgi or a Jack Russel. Her moods seem to swing from one to the other also, she is never boring.

Thanks for the reply!
I'm a happy owner of a CoJack too! Love her to death. We joke that she's Jack Russell in the front and Cardigan Corgi in the back! She is the by far the best dog I have ever know. Very loyal, fun, smart, cute, and friendly. I'm so lucky to have her. Rescued her from the Wash DC animal shelter. I really do Love her. She's my girl for sure!
Hello, I was hoping someone could help me figure out if my puppy is mixed with a Corgi? I adopted him from the SPCA, and they only knew that he is a Jack Russell mix. I have been told that he looks like he has beagle and shih Tzu, but from the pictures of Cojacks, Im finding that he really has their features. Hopefully someone can help me figure out what Darwin is!!!!
Here are some pictures to help identify Darwin!!!


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