I was just trimming Bella's nails, and I noticed that the pads on her front paws (the ones that are in the middle and up that she doesn't walk on) are kind of dried and crusty, and they are like a light yellow color. The big pad on her back legs has it just a little. I've always noticed them to be a little dry and scratchy when you rub them, but I just noticed this yellowish crusting. On her front paws, it takes up like a little less then a quarter of the tip of the pad. Is this normal, or is there anything I can do for it? Or should I have the vet take a look at her?

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I have never heard of that, dead skin (ie: callus) has a tendancy to turn yellowish in color. Is it possible that she is chewing on her feet or doesnt get out much? A good walk on concrete can help with dead paw-skin and nails. Could also be an infection of some sort? How yellow are they?
I would also like to know what paw care and what products other folks use. Charlie's paw pads are getting a bit rough because we walk 3-4 miles a day. I was looking at Tuf-Foot, Musher's Secret, and other paw butters, but would like a recommendation if anyone with an active dog uses any of these.

The yellow color and crusting I have not heard of before. It sounds like she does walk or run a lot? Could be a lot of different things, depending on where (what type of surfaces or grasses) she walks most often.

This website has a lot of great info. This link is for paw pad problems. It is very lengthy, but might help you pinpoint the problem and decide if a vet visit is necessary. http://www.lowchensaustralia.com/grooming/nailconditions2.htm
We use Bag Balm. It can be picked up at most drug stores. The doggie day care that Mochi goes too recommends it becasue the little doggies run around all day.

Well she has spent either average or a little less than normal time on concrete because we've been taking her to the park, and that has rocks. The majority of her pads are ok, just a little yellow on the edges. The worst one, that looks very odd, is that one that hangs off the back, and I don't think that they walk on it because it is high up? Its a very pale yellow, almost like it is dirty, but she just got a bath yesterday. Her pads are a little dry though. Bella is my 1st dog, so I'm not sure what to look for, but how should the pads look and feel. If I rub my finger over them they feel a little rough, almost like stubble. Is this normal, or should they feel smooth. I've never see her biting or doing anything with her paws either.
If she doesn't seem to be tender or walking like they are painful, and you mentioned that she is not chewing or biting, then they are probably normal for her. Charlie's pads are pink, with a couple that have black spots (like birthmarks he's always had). If I rub my finger over them one direction they feel smooth, the other direction they feel like a very fine-grit sandpaper from walking on concrete/pavement. The pads on the back of his front legs feel a little rough, I think from lying down on them in grass, or on the patio outside or tile flooring inside.

I would just keep an eye on them and make sure you don't notice any rapid changes in the way they look, or for any signs of discomfort.
Here are some pics of her pads that I took too...
I'm not a vet or anything but that doesn't look very normal. I would definatly take to the vet and get it checked out just in case.
That looks like it could be a digital hyperkeratosis, but I'm not a vet, and I think that normally happens with much older dogs. Anyway, yes I would make an appointment with your vet to get a definite diagnosis and treatment.
Well I took Bella to the vet last week, and luckily she is fine. The vet said that it is hyperkeratosis, but that since it is not on her nose or ears, she is UTD on vaccines, and doesn't appear to be in pain or bothered by them-it is nothing to worry about. She said it may have been caused by the park she plays in because rocks are as bad to the pads as cement.


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