i'm having a terrible problem with my Murphy. He is 6yrs., i got him as a pup, neutered, and has been the only dog until i "inherited" a small poodle girl 2 years ago.She is 14 yrs. and very calm and sweet. Murphy has viciously attacked her several times in the time she has been with us. Sometimes it's over "perceived" food, but lately it's been over nothing. It happened in the night while we were all asleep in the bed. Today it happened while he was being petted on my lap, Charlie at my side where she always lays, and out of the blue he starts ripping into her. He clamps on and i have to pry his jaws apart. It's terrifying to both me and Charlie. i think he would seriously injure her. So i am always on guard with the two of them and don't see this problem going away on its own. Does anyone have an idea for what to do with this aggressive corgi? Are there calming drugs? i'm at wit's end.

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How scary. You might want to get him evaluated by the vet to see if there is a health reason for the aggression.    Not to alarm you, but I has a previous corgi who became aggressive as he got older and I believe it was due to a brain tumor.  In any event,  I would never leave them alone and unattended.  When you leave the house or go to bed, they should be crated to ensure that nothing horrible happens when you aren't there to stop it. 

Can you tell me more about the brain tumor? Were there other symptoms or just aggression?

dogs can get aggressive when in pain from any kind of injury as well or due to illnesses.  

It is only a guess that it may have been the beginning of his brain tumor forming.  The only signs for a couple of years were unexplained acts of aggression.  He had always been the sweetest boy and loved my other dog to pieces, as well as all other dogs he met.  But then, starting at about 9 yo he had a few bouts of severe aggression against her and against a neighbor's dog.  They didn't happen very often, but they would just erupt out of the blue.  No warning signs and no apparent reason for it to happen.    After about two years he started having seizures.  That's when we discovered he had the tumor and it was quite large at that point.   But like I said, its only a guess this caused his unexpected bouts of aggression.     He appeared healthy and happy as could be otherwise.   


Best of luck to you.  I hope you find a way to manage your pup's issues. 

agreed with susan, see vet to rule out health issues.  so sorry your going through this and yes also agree with keeping them seperate when  your not around but also maybe til hes seen by a vet keep them seperated when  you are around as well.  

Thank you for your reply. Today I made a vet appt. for him. I guess I almost wish it was pathological, it might be easier to cure.
They are separated always if I'm not home.
Your welcome, keep us updated please....
I tend to be very cautious so that is why I sughested keeping them seperate while your home to, especially if you don't know what's going to trigger a fight. I know how scary dog fights can be and can happen in a blink of an eye.

If this behavior has been happening since Charlie arrived it may be resource guarding which can be trickier to manage if it goes on for awhile. When I first adopted my dog as an adult she came with some resource guarding issues that I sought help with. It was never severe, but I am sure it would be if I hadn't gotten advice about how to manage it early on. She still growls softly if I give attention to another animal so I am sure I would have issues if I moved another animal in with her. If she growls at a guest animal she is immediately separated and put in "solitary" for a couple of minutes and only allowed to return to the group when she can be quiet. She also used to be protective around food and I make sure I make her wait for my okay before taking her food which helped a lot. I also touched her gently while she was eating and took the food away and put it back, or added treat to the bowl while she ate to get her used to that, but I would NEVER recommend doing any of that without first ruling out a medical reason and getting the advice of an expert in animal behavior since you or one of the animals could get hurt, or the behavior could get worse if mishandled. I hope it turns out to be something you can manage. I was amazed how quickly Sully learned what was expected and fell in line, but I haven't tried bringing a dog into "her" territory which would no doubt be harder to predict. She does well with dogs in neutral territory so you may have hope, at least while you are there to keep them separate and monitor his reactions. I hope things get better for you!

I agree with Natalie and would separate them even when you are there. I know this may be hard to do, but a 14 year old dog can be easily and badly hurt, but also the risk to you in separating them is great.  In the heat of a fight, he will not know  the difference between your hands and the poodle...  Things happen so fast.  Update us on the Vet's visit, then it will be easier to sort things out, hopefully.

Updates are so good for people like Anna and the others posted here to help them consider your questions. Less experienced folks like me also appreciate knowing how things work out when people are struggling with an issue because everyone does care. I think updates are welcome even if you have an easier, faster solution than expected. I really hope you get some help soon!

We are seeing the vet tomorrow. I so appreciate everyone's comments and ideas.

Like the children's rhyme... When he is good, he is very very good. But when he is bad, he is horrid!


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