I was just wondering if any of you have corgis with really bad doggy breath. We have noticed that Milly's breath is becoming deadly! She had a physical in April and everything was good, no plaque, health issues, etc. I have been a little lax with brushing because she hates it so much it take the whole family to do it.

I am heading to the store tomorrow to get some food for her and will pick up a new toothpaste but I was wondering whether any of you have other ideas. I remember seeing at the store doggy mints (yip yap's), do you think these help? I have also used Greenies in the past and they are on my shopping list but I did not find them all that helpful in the past.

For the sake of clean air and us not ducking when she yawns, your advice is appreciated!

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Hi Dana, brushing is the only cure, better get in a habit, otherwise you'll pay for it dearly later.
If you can find a toothpaste that works well on bad doggy breath, please let me know! Rocky has never had bad breath until he came back from his short stay at a kennel this past August. Now no amount of brushing would get rid of his bad breath! :(
A dental check up might be in order. Could be an abcessed tooth or something stuck in the mouth. She might need her teeth cleaned. Bad breath can be a sign of trouble in the mouth.
bad breath is not normal. A healthy mouth or gut will not smell. Check her teeth carefully for any signs of swelling, pain, redness, plaque, chips/breaks, etc. Has there been a change in food or treats? You can buy breath mints or water additives but that is just masking the symptom and you should really be looking for the cause. I'd talk to your vet about some possible causes.
People who feed raw say that bones clean teeth better than brushing.  You can give them raw meaty bones--I forget everyone on here who feeds raw and could recommend specifically what to do.   I think "Rachel and Waffle" do.


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