Would love to hear from everyone on where and how you give your corgi a bath.  Just gave Sophie one in the tub.  There is so much hair when done, and it took  me forever to clean the tub out of hair.  Plus I think alot of it went down the drain.  Would love to hear how you give your baths and any good ways to clean the tub out and catch all the hair.  I have one of those white plastic hair catchers but it still gets underneath and goes down the drain.

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We bathe Ace in the tub. He doesn't shed outside of blowing coat twice a year, so hair isn't a problem for us. I guess we dodged a pretty huge bullet on that one!

summertime i bathed Panzer outside in a big metal cow feed bowk we bought just for bathing and carried out a 5 gal bucket of warm water from the house. Winter i took him to a groomer friend as it was easier and spring she would shave his belly or my fiancee threw a fit because of the mud Panzer would drag in.

Torri hates baths.  I have to close all the bedroom doors before I prep the laundry room tub, or she will find a bed to  hide under.

Mine also hate bath. I do the same, close bath room door.  I also have to stay inside the bath sink with her. She never all paws down. I mean she always put her two front paws on my legs and takes bath. Maybe because she is only 10 months, i wish she will like bath after her one years old. 

For hair problem, high recommend FURminator. I comb her three times a week and she doesn't drop much hair when bath.  Wish it helps. 

Mishka gets a full bath every other week, and a soak + undercarriage flush on the off weeks, by order of his dermatologist (allergies - I also rinse his feet after walks).  So I have his bath routine worked out pretty efficiently.

I bathe him in the tub, with a plastic hair catcher and one of those pet hose-shower things that attaches to an adapter between the regular shower head and the pipe for the shower head.  My other equipment includes:

  • a large squeeze bottle, like some restaurants use for ketchup and mustard but clear - found at a restaurant supply.  I use it to pre-dilute the shampoo - also handy for applying the mixture all the way down to the skin.  Pre-diluting makes it lather more evenly, avoids getting concentrated shampoo directly on the skin, and stretches the shampoo bottle over more baths.
  • shampoo (dermatologist just said use an oatmeal shampoo, so I found the gentlest one I could with a smell I could stand - I've been liking the SPA line by Tropiclean.  Sometimes I use a whitening shampoo on his bib if his collar/tags have stained it grey.)
  • conditioner (I've used the companion SPA conditioner to my shampoo and liked it; currently I'm trying out After-U-Bathe, which is nice and seems less residue-y but smells a little like the pink amoxicillin I used to get as a kid)
  • a lot of those super-absorbent towels, roughly hand-towel size

Usually I fill the tub up to his tummy and let him soak for 10 minutes or so (always supervised) before I shampoo.  Softens the dirt on his feet a little bit and also makes it easier to clip his nails after the bath.  Before I start soaping I let the water drain and use the pet hose to get him thoroughly wet.

I squirt the diluted shampoo and work it in, top to bottom.  I use a soft toothbrush to scrub his paws and toenails.  The rest I do with my fingers, since it's the only way to tell I've worked the soap through.  I don't leave the shampoo in any longer than I have to.  I rinse him very thoroughly, until there are no more bubbles.  Diluted shampoo is easier to rinse out than undiluted.  I don't wash inside his ears unless I have to, but I do wash the outsides - I pinch the ear closed and face it down while I rinse.

Then I work in conditioner everywhere and let it sit for a little bit to help release loose fur.  I rinse again, very thoroughly.  I ask him to wait until I pull the shower curtain closed, and then I tell him to shake a couple times (he obliges).

Out he comes onto a towel on the bathroom floor where he shakes again, and then I flip him over and go to work with the super-absorbent hand towels.  I try to get him as dry as possible, since I don't have a blow dryer cool enough for pets.  His ears don't get terribly dirty, but sometimes I swab the outer parts with cotton to get up any wax.

Then we play for a bit before doing nails.  

He used to shed tons as a puppy, less as an adult on kibble, and barely at all as an adult on raw food.  He gets fish oil every day (dermatologist) and, of course, bathing every 2 weeks removes loose fur regularly.  I comb him out every other day-ish, but not much fur comes out on the comb.  We don't even really get dust bunnies anymore - and on our dark hardwood floors they would be easy to notice.  He does blow coat for a week or two a couple times a year.  Not sure if the change is maturity, diet, or supplements.  

The regular bathing does not appear to dry out his skin or cause any irritation - if anything, his skin seems to be happier.  And he has a fabulous coat - dense and soft but resistant to water and dirt.  We can take him to the beach and by the time we're back to the car he looks like he did when we arrived (but smells a little beachy if you get close).

Clearly I had too much coffee before I wrote this.  (Sorry!)  :)

In warm weather we use the garden hose in the yard.

I use the tub, but furminate thoroughly before hand.  Our family always had big dogs (Newfies &Saints) and we used a kiddie pool in the back yard.  There was an old wash tub and faucetin the basement we would hook the hose to so we had warm water if needed.

Why do corgis need to be bathed? 

I have a tub/ shower with a glass door and a hand held shower head. I also pre-dilute the shampoo. I get in the shower with them, when they are puppies I will sit down and hold/ cuddle, but as they get used to it, I can just bend over or kneel.  I use treats to teach them they have to come in the bathroom and hop in the tub on command. Just like any other command that you teach. I have a metal hair catcher that is designed to go down into the hole, but have one of those pop up drain plugs so I put the metal cup upside down over it. There is a lot of hair in the catcher, and I'm sure a bunch goes down the drain, too. After we are done I use the hand sprayer to rinse the tub out. Hope that helps!

I physically wear a crappy shirt and shorts when I initially game my puppy his first bath; to show him it ok to take a bath and that "I here for you buddy during this new experience." Usually he likes to balance himself on the outside of tub while I wash him. As far as hair I haven't noticed A LOT of hair but I also brish my corgi 3x a week....Have you ever tried THE FURMINATOR?

To help Ein think of the tub as The Best Thing Ever I would smear some peanut butter on the side. She was so busy licking the yummy goodness that she doesn't care about the water or my soaping her up.


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