So I have a 7 week old Pembroke named Marshall. He's adorable first of all :) Today I brought him to his first vet visit, and the first words out of her mouth were, "So what is he crossed with"? The thing is that Marshall is completely black and white.

I met both parents when Marshall was 10 days old, and the dad is fawn and white and the mother is tri-color. Both are purebred Pembrokes. When he was 10 days old (before his eyes were open), he looked exactly like his brothers and sisters except for the color (one female was also only black and white).

His ears aren't up yet, so he does look exactly like a lab puppy (except he's 6.6 pounds). I've read that black and white is a mismark, and since he's only a pet for me (no breeding intended!) that's totally fine with me. However, the vet started telling me stories about a female getting pregnant by 2 different dads in the same litter, so now I'm paranoid. Is Marshall a purebred Pembroke? 

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I did pay for a purebred, but I didn't pay very much to begin with so I'm not too concerned about getting money back. I'd much rather have a healthy puppy than one with pure line :) I don't care too much if he's mixed. 

A friend of mine actually just sent me a picture of a border collie/lab mix, and she looks a lot like Marshall. I'm leaning towards lab or border collie as Marshall's dad actually, although it could have been another mix breed too. I have a friend in the same town as the breeder (which only has about 200 people), and he's going to keep an eye out for any intact black and white male dogs for me. The litter that Marshall came from was an accidental litter (the mom was spayed immediately after all the puppies were gone), so she wasn't kept isolated like she had been for her previous litters. I love running with dogs, so if Marshall is part border collie, that's okay with me!

Update: I emailed the breeder, and she was as shocked as I was to see how Marshall is maturing. She also agreed that he isn't a full corgi, and she offered me my money back for him. I'm keeping him though :) She said that they witnessed both corgis *together* twice, so she assumed that the litter was all Pem. However, she said that they usually left the dogs outside with the cattle during the day so it was possible that the female had a visitor. She really feels terrible about it, but I really think that Marshall's sweet disposition comes from whatever his dad is. She also said that Marshall was the most laidback and sweet out of the litter, so at least I got a good-natured pup! She's going to keep an eye out for any black male dogs in the area and keep me posted. She also wants me to keep sending her pictures so she can see how he turns out. All in all, I'm happy!

Yikes, you'd think she'd just give you at least a partial refund or something after admitting she was wrong. Geez. "Like, oops, ya, I totally screwed you! Ha, that's funny, too bad for you!" I know how you feel though. I got the big screw over by my vet, & everyone in my family was like just don't pay the bill! And I was all, but I want my cat back! And they all said its just a cat. Some people don't understand. Doesn't matter now. Point is, you have puppy, he's cute, we all want pictures when he grows up lol.  Sad part is, that lady isn't going to do anything to prevent her female from getting pregnant again next time she is in heat & she'll probably sell those puppies as purebred too, and so the cycle just repeats itself :(

Well I only paid $250 for him, and most mixed breeds in pet stores go for around $400 or so, so I'm really not looking for any of my money back. It's not worth it for a healthy puppy even if he's not the breed I thought he was. Marshall's litter was an accident, and the female was spayed immediately after the puppies were gone. The breeder is a family friend of a good friend of mine; they're not "professional" breeders or anything. They're a family who has a male and female Pem who have sold their puppies in the past. 

I didn't realize mixed breeds were so expensive.  I paid $600 for my purebred.  If I had wanted a mixed breed I think I would have gone to the pound to look for a puppy to adopt; but I had definite concerns about the adult size of the dog and how easy he would be to train, and after putting some time into research, adopted the one I have now.   In any case $250 for a puppy that you know came from a healthy background and good family is not a bad expenditure.

Well if you paid for a purebred and didn't get a purebred, that would be an issue.  My corgi was *much* darker at six weeks than he is now.  Now he looks like a standard brown and white Corgi.  As a puppy even the breeder was sure he would grow up to be a "sable" with black mixed with other colors.  You can't find a trace of black on him today.

There are Corgis out there with heavy black markings, *almost* all black, but of the dozens of pictures I saw on the net, they all had at least a smattering of brown.  The "bat dog" pic you posted shows a smattering of brown on the neck and my guess is that if this dog is in fact a corgi he will grow up to be black and white with some ornamental brown.

The black and white (and gray) cardigans are of course very common.

Greg N


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