I always thought that corgis had white nails. I was trimming Freya's nails (a feat I tell ya--horrible pun, sigh) and I noticed she had one black nail. Now, that particular nail's pad was also turning black.

Should I worry or is this normal? It was only one nail on the back foot. The rest of her nails are white and her pads are still mostly pink.

Oh any tips on making nail cutting easier on me and her?

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If her pad is black under the nail, I think the nail will be black too. Most corgis have all white feet, which is why their pads are pink & nails are white. Dogs with darker skin on their feet have black nails. Freya just happens to have a little black spot on her foot. I'm pretty sure it's perfectly normal :)
"any tips on making nail cutting easier on me and her?"

Yes, we're quite lazy :) we walk 1-2 miles a day on concrete road, that files down the nail A LOT, but we live in Florida, so it may not work for you. Just a thought :)
Yeah...lol Georgia doesn't believe in actual sidewalks. Well we have some randomly places sidewalks. Mostly grass or the actual road. I can't wait til she gets her full round of shots so I can walk her more.
Harry has one black nail on only one foot ...i figure it means he is super special
Ok, so we have special pups! :D
Thank you for the replies! It made me feel better. At first, I thought she bruised her nail or something. I just never saw this happen in a dog. Even though my mom's Chugs have black pads, their nails are still white.

I guess I'll be walking Freya more when she gets her full round.
Have an assistant distract the dog -- reassuring, petting, holding a paw. I learned this from my dentist, who pinches my cheek when injecting lidocaine -- it's simply a distraction, and it's the only time I've never felt the needle at all.

I'd thought black nails would only appear on a tri (ours are both tris, and they have a few black nails, which make it tougher to see the quick).
If you trim more often, you don't have to cut as much, making it easier to avoid hurting them. Sometimes I take off just a wee bit of the tip; this is enough to make them wear down faster. Mark the calendar to help remember.

I use a guillotine clipper. I believe I use it BACKWARDS and maybe upside-down: it looks like it's designed to cut back-to-front, with the curved side of the loop fitting the curved upper/forward side of the claw, but I find that if I cut front-to-back, there's less shattering of the nail, it slices smoother, like chiseling with the grain of wood. Sometimes I take off thin serial slices. However, it can be good to work fast and get it over with quickly, one quick careful snip.

I do this with the dog on its back between my legs. I hold the cutter so the bevelled side of the blade is facing me, and clip front-to-back.
Freya's dad was a black headed tri. She's not quite 12 weeks yet and I'm not sure when her coat color will stabilize (unless the color she is now is what it is) so she could be a tri or a sable at the very least.

I guess I can blame her father for her random black nail?

The front two paws were the hardest for me. The back legs were not so bad cause I gave her a treat to gnaw on--which is where I discovered the random black nail.
My Corgi has black nails and maybe three white ones. Trimming his nails is almost impossible!! But my husband bought the Peti-cure and we don't have any more problems. Plus we take them on long wals to help file the nails down. It's a BIG help.
Corie has several black nails..

I'm afraid to trim, so I take her to petsmart every 4 - 8 wks...
Charlie is really anti nail clipping too.. we do the sidewalk filing during walks too and get the groomer to trim the fur between his "toes" when possible. =)

When Charlie was only a few months old I used to trick him and pet his paws in my hands for a while, and then my boyfriend would hold a kong with peanut butter in it in front of Charlie's nose so he would get distracted. That would work for a little while. We did a few nails in a row better never a whole set all at once. Always in increments.
I was thinking about getting one of those Peticure/Pedipaw things. I've heard mixed reviews so far. I figure it can't hurt to start her on something like that and move up to a dremel if I need to.

But I'm glad my corgi isn't the only one with a black nail. I was kind of worried that she bruised it or something.


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