Both my dogs have loose stool, i took my pom to the vet about a week ago (before the loose stool) and she was dewormed, i also dewormed my corgi the same day...but since then they have both have loose stool and its getting all over their bums and they are tracking it into the house and ive spend the past couple days washing doggy bums and making sure they aren't let in without a cleaning. any ideas of what it could be? i have only had my pom a couple weeks so could they both be stressed? they are fed differnt foods and i try to make sure they dont get into each others food but im not 100% the sneaky buggers aren't. should i switch them both to the same food (ie. put my adults on puppy or vise versa) im feeding them both orijen...or pack them up with some poo and take them to the vet? they are still playing a ton, and drinking water and acting normal.

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Are they up to date on shots? Are they acting differently? With the puppy, they can get dehydrated really quickly. What kind of treats are you giving them? It could be stress if anything else changed. If they aren't acting weird--try giving them a little bit of pumpkin. Pumpkin should help with the diarrhea.
I'd have the Vet check for giardia and coccidia. They don't usually check for giardia, and coccidia is hard to find.

Also, Orijen is rich and if they're eating too much at one sitting can give diarrhea.

How was the Corgi on the Orijen before the Pom came? Don't feed puppies a Fish based food - it's not recommended.. The other Orijen formulas are okay. I believe they're all life stages foods.

I'd definitely go to the Vet if it doesn't straighten out soon. Little dogs can suffer dehydration quickly from diarrhea. They may put them on Metro if they can't find anything (parasite), or probably Panacur if they do find either coccidia or giardia.

In the meantime, BOIL some hamburger, drain the fat/water, and mix in with some rice (about 50/50). You also might want to try some canned pumpkin (about a teaspoon or two)...not the pie mix...just the pumpkin.

Hope you get it straight soon!
a question--is canned pumpkin good for dogs? i'd never heard of this before, but since coming on this site, i've read it several times. whats it do for the dog, and do they like it? thanks:)
Crating or separating the dogs at meal time is a way to insure both are getting what they are fed. This is good practice especially with corgis who have a strong propensity to be most possessive of their food. A loose stool for a few days after deworming is not unusual. If it is ongoing calling your vet would make good sense. Hamburger/rice (fat drained) or chicken/rice is a nice bland diet to help their digestive system settle. Yes, canned pumpkin (not pie filling) is great for dogs. Seems to firm up loose stools and softer harder stools.
the corgi was great on orijen before, she had the occasional loose stools...usually when she was overly excited or got into something she shouldn't have. they are acting the same...i notice both have been drinking a TON of water though. im going to try giving them some bland food ..its not near as loose as it was before. ive been giving them both greenies so maybe i will try not for a couple days and see if it makes a difference. ive noticed the corgi STINKS lately (like...gassy and she never was before) the pom is fed orijen puppy which is chicken and the corgi is fed orijen adult fish.


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