Hi , I was wondering whether any of you have heard of buckeye corgis in zanesville OH. If any of you have dogs from there please let me know what you think.


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Hi Daniel, I do have 2 corgis from Buckeye Corgis in Zanesville, Ohio. We think Marla is a very trust worthy breeder and raises good healthy dogs. We have been to her farm, she is a very nice lady and very helpful getting you the puppy you want. I tried to deal with another breeder much closer to my home in Ohio, but she was very stuffy and wanted to pick the puppy for us, in the end the litter we had counted on getting a puppy from, she placed all the puppies and there was none left for us. Marla is not like that at all, she is a very caring breeder and truly loves all her "babies". We have a 14 month old male and a 10 month old female and they are beautiful healthy dogs. I believe you would be very happy with one of her puppies!
Daniel...why not deal with someone that is closer to you? Are you having trouble locating a breeder near you? The one thing I will tell you is to make sure you find someone who has done testing on all of their dogs. Someone who spends time socializing their pups and gives you great detail in what they do and care for their dogs. Have them prove the testing that has been done. Make sure they are feeding good quality kibble. How many litters a year do they produce? How do they place their pups? Ask how many litters the dam has whelped? See how much the pups weigh for their age? Ask for references and when talking to other breeders ask if they've heard of other breeders you've spoken with. Are you looking for a show pup or pet quality? Many breeders in MI, OH, NY, and PA that do testing and have ideal standards and belong to specialty breed clubs. A good breeder will place pups per personality and get to know you along with their puppies and keep you updated. Most breeders will not sell you 2 puppies close together because it can be overwhelming for most and specially if you have a full time job. Most have you wait about a year before getting a second puppy. Many breeders plan their litters and have pups placed before having another litter. If you'd like to find out more you can join showpem_L, Corgi_L, or Pembroke_L which are yahoo groups that contain many breeders from all over and corgi pet owners which a few are from Canada themselves.
Here is some more information on what to watch out for and what to look for...also what to think about before purchasing a puppy written by Sam that are very good reads.
Whats the deal with websites and buying puppies?
How do I purchase a Corgi pup..what to expect?


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