I just read that a Bully Stick is a dried bull penis. Is that true?

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I get mine from here:

but you can find them sometimes in some pet stores. Not the big ones like Petco or Petsmart, as far as I know. Smaller boutique pet stores. The Peak ones are a pretty good deal with free shipping.
I got Jakes antlers at the Humane Society.
I get my antlers here:

Usually I buy the large half antler, the dogs love them.

www.bestbullysticks.com has odor free bully sticks I believe, but I usually order the regular ones and I don't think they smell that bad.
Be careful with antlers. I didn't think my dog would ever chip a tooth and she didn't even chip it on something as hard as an antler. She chipped it on a hoof.
The culmination of that is that yesterday the tooth was extracted.
I stick with nasty, stinking, bull penises.


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