I noticed Callie can not run while she is on a leash unless she carries it in her mouth. She will run a little bit but then trips (or gets caught up in the leash) and proceeds to grab the leash in her mouth and continue on. I was just wondering if it is just my Corgi that does this, or do others do it too? It is cute and funny to watch.

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Loki grabs the leash a lot less now but whenever he does he trots at reasonable pace. He does not trip over the lead otherwise however, as it is a flexi leash and a harness that tags out mid back.

He just does it to be a dink nowadays, as if I tell him enough and get a hand moving towards him he always drops it. He loves to test his boundaries.
If we are out in the yard, and I drop their leashes, Ethel very obligingly will pick up Bertie's leash and "walk" him, which cracks me up.
Shayleigh does the same thing! I haven't noticed her doing it in response to tripping over the leash (although she does get tangled up in it sometimes). I always figured she did it more out of either irritation with the leash or because she wanted to be in control of the walks. Either way, the little stinker drops the leash the minute i say "drop it."
My baby did it when she was younger. My dad warned me that it can be a sign of dominance, but with her it was a display of intelligence. Why trip over something when you can carry it. The male dog I have recently adopted also grabs the leash but he treats it like a play rope and pulls, bucks, and charges around with it. This is not good and can be dangerous when walking by the side of the road. So I have been trying to teach him not to grab it. If all she is doing is holding it calmly in her mouth I would agree with you that it is cute. Corgi's are very smart, and solve problems well. Those short legs don't always help ie. tripping on leashes.


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