So I'm just going to come out and say what we all already know. Corgi's are a wonderfully awkward shape. While it is one of the many features that endears us to them, I am finding it difficult to outfit Nemo in a life jacket. 

My husband and I work on a barge. It is shaped much like my corgi, low and wide with no gunwales. Naturally, Nemo is in the process of learning to be a barge dog. He seems to be taking to it well enough. He sleeps in the wheelhouse no problem, doesn't seem to mind the industrial noise, and pokes his nose at the little fish that end up flopping around deck. 

The week he arrived I ordered a Kyjen for my little buddy. While he was within the weight and size range, it fit him so poorly it was unusable. The buckles fit around his belly with plenty of extra strap, but the velcro cummerbund would't close at all. The same was true for the neck strap. I figured we would give it a try since the buckles would hold it on him, even if the velcro straps wouldn't. But when I tried to get him to walk with it on, he tipped over. There is nothing sadder than a tipped over corgi. His front elbows were getting stuck under the cummerbund. Luckily I was able to send it back for a full refund.

During the last two weeks things had been busy and I hadn't gotten around to finding a replacement vest. When he wasn't sleeping in the wheelhouse we kept him on his leash, tied just out of reach of the edge. This is not a good long term solution, he needs to be able to come and go from the wheelhouse, go potty on the stern, bark at crabs, etc.

Yesterday I let him roam around on-board off his leash while I was between tasks. I followed him around like a shadow and was remarking on how his balance and spacial awareness has improved over then last two weeks (he really likes to walk on edges, is that a corgi thing?). Then he backed himself into a corner and as I was saying out loud "You're going to fall overboard," he did. I had him scooped out of the water before I got to find out whether or not he can swim, so all was good but we don't need a repeat without him having flotation and a nice handle to grab him. 

I took him to a pet store today and we tried on a Fido Float It was so awful and bulky, he couldn't even move.

I also took him to our local marine store and ended up buying a Paws Aboard It fits ok. All the buckles will close, and the velcro cummerbund closes. But the neck velcro won't close at all. At this point it is better than nothing and I know I will be up-sizing at least once, if not twice by the time he is full grown. 

So, here are my questions. Knowing that my pup will spend a ton of time in his vest, does anyone have recommendations on brands that work well for dogs shaped like tanks?

Does anyone have experience with the neoprene hunting vests? They provide a lot of mobility but I wonder if they provide enough flotation. 

What size life jacket does your adult corgi wear? 


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I don't know what size my Reginald will wear as an adult but we purchased a medium life jacket that is big on him right now (he's 10.25 lbs) since going a size down would have been too small. I'm hoping he'll be able to use it at least through his adolescence or maybe even adulthood since the next size up seems huge to me! I believe the brand is Top Paw. We purchased it for him at Petsmart - it was only $15.99 on sale with the Petsmart card. I think the front of it is a little easier to manage because it's velcro and made with the same flotation material. He does okay in it and can run around but it's still big so he's tripped a few times. Luckily, there's a handle on top to lift him right back up with. I'm pleased with how it floats and it gives me peace of mind when he edges too close to the pool... he loves water. He jumped in after me once already!

Hi Sarah, the best thing to do is keep trying different vest and see which one fits the best, every corgi is different, length, girth...etc, even male and female makes a difference in vest choices. What works for others may not work for you, keep trying.

Franklin has an Outward Hound vest similar to the one you posted. He has a size medium and it fits perfectly. I think part of the problem is trying to fit a puppy. Do you have an REI in your area? They have some good variety of vests. I think has he grows (from what I have seen on previous posts here) the Outward Hound medium vest tends to fit adult corgis quite well. 

Our boys live in the lake during the summer and wear the Outward Hound.  Sometimes they have it on for hours.  I try and take it off them as much as possible due to the extreme heat here in NC.........but they don't come out of the water until they are so tired they sleep for 6 hours.

Thanks for asking this question as Fergus is seeming to love being near the water and we are heading up to a river shortly for a picnic and he will be on a boat and right near the water -- since he seems to love to get as close as he can =-) 


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