I made a leather collar out of a belt.  It's about 1" wide but I always take it off her at night because I worry its uncomfortable.

I've been wanting to order a really pretty custom leather collar but I think the smallest they come is 1".  They're also seem pretty thick (not flexible).  So, I don't want to order a collar and then its really uncomfortable for her to wear every day/lay around the house in.

Any opinions on whether a thick leather collar is actually uncomfortable to a dog or if I'm just making it up?  How could I even tell?

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The only time my corgi wears a collar constantly is at the cottage, in case she gets loose.  Otherwise it's a martingale just for walking, and it has a reflector on it as well.  She also has a harness, but I only use it as a seatbelt in the car.  I love the martingales, takes the worry out of the dog getting away if she tries to back out of her collar, although she's usually pulling forward. LOL
UPDATE: Since looking around some more, these are the collars I am considering:

leather with brass plate. They make rolled collars too.

gundog center ring collar (purple to match her leash), also comes with brass plate.

just so pretty! for special occasions

The other collar is just too thick and heavy for my liking and there are many pretty collars out there for less $$.
I was very concerned about the comfort of Lilliput's collar. I found some beautiful hemp collars at earthdog.com. The one she wears is lighter than any nylon collar we've used. We also considered bamboo, but I don't recall the name of the site. Take a look, they're pretty cool.

I see that this may be considered the silliest thing ever. I guarantee I have done sillier things. Such as my beagle's studded leather Harley Davidson collar cuz he's such a tough guy.

I guess my decisions weren't all empirically motivated.
Hm well those custom leather collars you were looking at, appear to be bulldog collars (ones used for large dogs or very strong ones such as a pit bull) and I wouldn't put a collar larger than 3/4" on my pups. I have lots of collars from nylon to leather, I just switch them up but also make sure they aren't uncomfortably heavy. My recent black leather collar for Buddha was found at PetSmart, its got a softer underside, like a deer skin or something thats not so rough on the fur of my dog. I've owned 2 like it and love them.
Also, I do take my dogs' collar off at night, mostly so I can give him a good rub down and neck scratch before we go to bed. He thinks it fun to get his "hat" (aka collar) and put it on =)
Just make sure it is not too tight.. You should get at least two fingers in between. if you start noticing hair being rubbed off maybe try a different one.
If you have the money for it try Paco Collars, they are pricey but have a lifetime warranty and come in many diffrent styles. Thats what I am buying for my puppy,

I made the switch from a collar to a harness and what a difference.

She still has a collar, Kong makes a very pretty burgandy color nylon colar that looks really good. The only reason she has it is to cary her tag's ( Yes, she has many, including a blinky one for camping).

Her harnes is a control harnes, it dosen't harm her at'll and seems to work well in controling the lunging she so often does,  and its a burgandy color to match her collar.

I've owned a Dachshund, and as applies to any long breed dog, collars can cause issues later down the road that may not be immediatly noticeable. I swapped Annabelle to a harness and did so with Jazmin given the spine structure and such.

Hope this helps,



Don and Crew

I have thinner (1/2") leather collars but don't use them as they too are very stiff but it doesn't seem to bother the dogs. I use regular or breakaway nylon collars but could supply 20 dogs with all my collars. I love the blinkie collars for at night so I can keep track of my dogs especially in winter and with coyotes nearby. I have them loose and just slip them on over their necks  when they go out after dark and that way even if they go out in the fence they are highly visable:)

I also donate my collars I don't want/use to a local humane society...they are always happy to get them!

I have the slide on tags on both Rosie and Rocky's collars. No jingle-jangle!! They actually each have 3 of the slide on tags on their collars. We go south for a couple of months in the winter and I wanted plenty of phone numbers in case of an accident while we are traveling. I use flat, buckle (not the snap close things), nylon collars 5/8". They seem comfy to the dogs. I got the slide on tags on eBay. Very cheap but work fine for me.

I found an awesome collar for Sidney! It's a hemp collar from Planet Dog; it's super strong but very lightweight and soft soft soft! They come in natural colors; I got him the fleece lined one.




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