First, thank you for approving my membership.

Second, we have a cardi-mix rescue that my honey has had since she was ~6 weeks old.  She is now 10 years old, and is sooooo cardi!  She was raised by my honey and his then-pembroke, who has since passed.  After that, honey's ex kept bringing puppies home, all of which jumped all over puppers.  She became very grumpy quickly.

Once honey became single, puppers went with him and became an only child.  Now that honey and I are are together, I have officially become puppers' litter mate and serf. Cardis are hilarious!  They're bossy, opinionated, clever, protective, and sooooooo sweet. I love how she'll paw at me when she wants her belly rubbed.

Anyway, we love her cardi personality so much that we're thinking of adopting a cardi-puppy within the next year or so, but we're concerned about how puppers will take it.  She doesn't necessarily like other dogs, but we are not sure if it's due to the lack of training of the previous puppies in her life.  Or is it a cardi thing, or an age thing...?  She's at such a good age to be an alpha,  and she's not elderly whatsoever.

What have been your experiences bringing in a puppy cardi home with an established [alpha] cardi?  I work from home, so I'll be able to keep an eye on them for the most part and will be sure to keep them separate during feedings, and so on.  Thank you for the advice!

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If she hasn't liked puppies in the past I don't think I would get one at this time in her life. Some dogs just don't like other dogs.

Thanks for the input!

I agree with Jane.  Your puppers has learned through experience that pups are bad news and at 10 yrs.of age it's unlikely she will be willing to change her mind.  I would enjoy her company for as long as she continues to have a good quality of life.  A pup would not enhance that and you would most likely wind up getting frustrated with her.  When you no longer have her, you can start fresh with a new Cardi pup and add a second one, if wanted, once the first one is grown and trained ( 18 months or so ).  Best wishes.

Thank you all for your input.  Our #1 priority is puppers, and like some have pointed out, her quality of life.  After all, she has gotten quite used to being spoiled and doted on. :D


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