continually having stomach problems...starting to worry now.

Hey all, well, my maggie is not feeling to well at all. Last weekend, maggie woke up with diarrea, and vomited continuously. she looked so awful, we ended up taking her to the emergency clinic. After giving her fluids, and finding out that her blood tests were normal, we took her home. Things were going fine on the rice, but as soon as we gave her back her regular food on wednesday, she has had looser bowel movements. Tonight we came home from a movie and found her laying in her kennel with puke and diarrhea every where. She threw up 2 more times after we got home too. She looks so sad.... I am just worried about some things. She had some issues with diarrea about 4 months ago, and we have had issues with her consistantly eating her food...we have switched brands 3 times. I am just worried. She had diarreha once, had complications with her spay, and now has had stomach issues making her sick twice. I just hope she is not going to be a sick dog. She is only 9 months right now...She has got to live a long life...god would I be devistated to no end. Could it be the heat? her food? I am concerned...what is it? if you have had htis problem before hand, please let me know.

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Did they check her for gardia (spelling might be wrong)? How about her liver shunt? Just a couple of things to look at. She could have a sensative stomach. Give her a little pumpkin for the diarrhea, about a tablespoon a couple of times a day. Good luck. Hope you get Maggie on the road to feeling good.
Also, the switching of foods can be a real problem for dogs. Their system isn't like ours, and any switching has to be done gradually so as not to cause stomach upset. Agree with Lou Ann on the pumpkin. Be sure it is canned pumpkin-not pumpkin pie filling. If it continues, you also might ask your vet to prescribe a more gentle food such as Hill's Canine ID. It is often prescribed for dogs with sensitive stomachs.
Have they done stool samples?

She could have a bug, some sort of chronic gastro condition, an allergy. If she continues to have regular bouts of vomiting and diarrhea, I would make an appointment with my regular vet to do a full blood panel and stool check to start ruling things out. It's true some dogs do have sensitive stomachs, too. My parents had a lab that would vomit it seemed every time anyone in the house had a cold or flu. They say most diseases don't transmit species-to-species, but it must have been the world's biggest coincidence.

Is it possible she is getting into something and you didn't notice? Corgis are low to the ground and can grab things quickly while traveling.
she had blood work and everything came back looking great which is great, but still there is a mystery to why this is happening. We watch her very carefully...I don't see what she would get at! We are going to end up taking her this week.
I also see on your profile page that your dog likes rawhide. Some dogs can't tolerate rawhide; it doesn't digest well and can also contain bacteria that most dogs tolerate but some don't.

Did she have rawhide a day or two before any of these incidences?
We thought of that too. We are taking those away until she is back to normal. Then it will be back to one every two days. We are thinking that (we live in maine) since it has been incredibly humid the past few days for the first time this summer, and my boyfriends place gets really hot, that maybe her food had spoiled. We threw everything out today, started her on rice for the next few days, and then we will get her a new bag of treats/food.
How worrying for you! I know Madoc had gardia (sp?) and it goes away pretty quickly with the right meds but it is easy to get re-infected and the vet warned us to be careful scooping because humans feel even worse with it than dogs. As to changing food, I would love to hear more advice on just how gradually to do it. I am going to make a switch next week when Madoc turns 6 months-- I usually give him 3/4 cups of puppy food. Is 1/4 C new to 1/2C old puppy chow gradual enough at first, then go to half and half and then mostly new? At what time intervals should I increase new food and decrease puppy chow? You are probably very knowledgeable since you've had to do a lot switching, alas! I hope Maggie will find her perfect diet and feel her best! She's such a lovely girl.
Thank you! We love her, hence why we want her to feel better! Maggie is an incredibly picky eater! Hence why we would have to switch...we would get down to half the bag and she just would stop eating food. My vet said she is probably "a princess" and just likes her food incredibly fresh. lol We will not put her on wet food since it is not good for their teeth so we buy the smallest bag of dry food we can find. My vet suggested half and half for 2-3 days then go to new. We have done that. My vet also said to have her on puppy food until she is one year old. It is not a bad thing to switch foods, often times puppies will get bored with their food and not eat it and by switching, they get nuetrients. At least that is coming from my vets office! But maggie eats about 1cup and half per is good for her. Like I said, she is picky. lol Good luck with your little guy!
Have you dewormed her? Mickey had loose stools for weeks on and then off and then on again and puked quite often too, we tried everything. Got him tested and everything was clear. THEN, two days ago I found a roundworm in his poop and dewormed him that night and the next morning he had about 25 worms in his poops and now everything is totally better! I am mad at myself for not thinking of that. First dog owner mistake I guess. Anyways, maybe you could try that...
Try giving her some plain (no sweetner) yogurt. This works for mine when they have the stomach issues.
I really swear by this little home remedy.
Hi Breanna,

We hope Maggie feels better. We're going through the same thing, but because Yogi is eating medicine for his limp for a week.
But when he was a tiny pup, he had bloody gooey diarrhea and vomiting as well. His breeder, who is a vet gave us a home remedy that worked magics!

Starve her for 24 hrs do not let her eat anything, only drink water. Then her first food whether it be dinner or lunch (preferrable dinner), cook rice for her. Cut up some chicken breasts and boil them with NO seasoning at all. Feed her the rice with chicken breasts and the soup from the chicken breasts.

Hope this works if you would like to try it. The stool sample is definitely a good idea too.

Good luck!
Ein was like this. Any flavored treats tend to upset his stomach a lot and he came down with a fair amount of stomach bugs in a row at that age. He became really touchy as far as what food he would eat as well and did all the things you are explaining. I know I had luck with Orijen but this could have also just been good timing and it was something he was growing out of.

I only feed him his food, plain milk bones, and extra plain rawhide (it is very important that these not be flavored in the very least if they are his stomach is gauranteed to get upset). Occasionally he gets apples or carrot pieces.


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