We had our second Agility Foundations class last night.
Shelly is doing really well and seems to be enjoying herselfbig grin we just have one
problem..... we are teaching the "go" (or go ahead) command, with a
small canvas bag rolled up with treats in it, as soon as I throw bag
across the jump and say go Shelly launches off takes the jumps
perfectly! but then when she gets the bag she doesnt stay there or bring
it back, she takes off running circles around EVERYONE! She does
eventually come back to me and I have been rewarding that with some high
value treats (steak) I believe the trainer is telling us all the
correct things to fix the problem at class, no one is to pay any
attention to her no laughing and no chasing but we only get to practice
this once a week and maybe only a few times per class...

Does any one know of some exercises we can do during the week to curb this behavior? ?

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Only your second class? Still pretty early.

It seems to me that throwing a bag with treats in it is doomed to failure. Why not one treat? I don't quite get it.
It is a behavior you want in agility - teaching the dog to run out ahead of you taking the obstacle straight ahead without you having to be there first.
PREFERRED METHOD: Teach her to target the empty bag. (Watch this video and substitute the lid for your canvas bag). Once your dog gets the hang of it they'll learn to put the nose on the target, not run off with it.

OPTIONAL SUGGESTION: Tie a thin rope to the treat bag then throw it out to teach "go". That way she can't run off with the bag and you can go to the bag where it is and pull a treat out for her. You can get rope cheaply at hardware stores. Sew a little loop onto the bag so you can tie the rope on and take it off when you don't need to use it.
Magnoliafly, that video makes a lot more sense. I just know what would happen if Lili had a whole BAG of treats. It would have more to do with getting that bag open than looking to me for the next great thing.
Yeah... typically we train it with toys that velcro shut so the doggie has to wait on the owner to get the treat out. Most agility dogs figure out it is easier to have YOU do the work to get the treat out than them. :) You also aren't throwing it across a field, just 5-10 feet out away from you and then you run over to open it for them for targeting it.

There are lots of ways of training "go outs", this is just one.


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