So I was wondering if the game I have been playing with Freya is a bad one to play. If so...are there any other suggestions you have?

Outside of fetch, I play the "I'm going to get you" game with Freya. I usually say "Little girl, little girl" before I start scratching her ribs. Sometimes I have to hop to be closer to her to do this. Her tail is wiggling like crazy and she seems to be having fun.

I'm not sure what brought on the game but she seems to really enjoy it. I wanted to do something with her other than fetch, though I do like that too.

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Have you tried "track it"? Finn likes this game a lot. We'll take some training treats, call him into a room and make him sit and stay while we go into another room and hide the treats. Once the treats are hidden we give the come command and when he comes in we let him smell our hands then say track it and he's off sniffing until he has found every last treat. At first you'll want to hide them in obvious places such as behind a table leg, floor plant etc and if she doesn't locate them you can point to it and say track it until she sniffs it out then praise her. Once the last one is found we hold up both hands and say all gone to end the game.
Alice that is just what we need in our home. I'm going to try this today. Dogs love their treats, why didn't I think of this. Thank you for posting this.
My dogs love this one, too! It can keep them entertained for AWHILE, too, which is always nice.
I think if your dog enjoys it and a game doesn't encourage aggressive behavior go for it! Long ago I made too much of a game out of dinner time and I think I unwittingly encouraged some food aggression in one my Corgis. So with Gromit dinner is just dinner, nothing special but when I play with him I try and emulate the way I see Gromit play with our little wiener dog except for the "running between the legs of the dinning table" part.
Our 2 love to play hide and seek and try to find where our 6 year old is hiding. All I usually say is where is she? Where is she and they are off trying to find her. It tires all of them out!!!!!


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