So, Halloween is coming up.. I'm interested to hear what kinds of costumes your corgis will be sporting this year!?

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I've been thinking of getting little devil horns and a halo for my Ellie.  She looks so sweet and innocent, but boy does she have a mischievous streak!  Even now, as I type this, she's trying to chew one of the baby's stuffed toys while occasionally giving me that happy corgi smile.  :)
A hot dog costume
Noodles already has his costume...he is a hot dog this year! He loves this costume over his bull costume because there is nothing on his head. He has already showed off to the kids in the court and they all approved. His Gramps was over Sunday night, so he modeled and thoroughly enjoyed being complimented on how adorable he looked. His little nub never stopped shaking. I can't wait for Halloween and all the trick-or-treaters to see my little man dressed up.
I have either a lobster or a bee costume (got the bee for $2 at a garage sale! Couldn't pass it up:) Anyway, I've got to decide between those 2 things... This is Scout's first Halloween with me!

the lobster would be hilarious


Go for the bee!  The bee! :)
Tucker is going to be a Fire Dog and Lance is going to be a sherrif!!  Can't wait to get some pictures.  This is Tuckers first Halloween with us, so hopefully he will go along with it!
Haha, I can't wait to see those pictures!

I have a couple of sheep costumes for my min pins, and then the corgi, Lilly has a dress, bonnet and shepherds they are

Bo Peep and Her Sheep!!!!

Ridiculously adorable!

very cute
We are dressing up Finn as Mr. Spock from Star Trek... He's already got the ears for it!


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