Hello! I am fairly new to MyCorgi and so far I love it. I have a 4 month old Pembroke named Ziggy. We go out to visit my parents house about every weekend, and he is always with us. My parents have an in-ground pool that is the fun hang out over the summer. At first Ziggy didn't seem to be interested in the water, then as time went by he would get very excited if I or my boyfriend would go down the water slide. To the point that he will jump into the water. At first he was only diving in when we were in the water, but now he has jumped in all on his own. I am just a little worried that he might not be able to handle it on his own yet, and also we are planning a fishing trip over labor day weekend and want to take him to the lake with us. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on dog life jackets. I have seen several different brands and styles. He weighs about 9 pounds or so and growing fast! I am just not real sure what would work best for this special shaped lil breed. Thanks!