Hi guys. This is my first time here, although I wish I would have joined years ago. It seems like a fun place to be. =) I am writing today because I just found out that my 10 1/2 year old Corgi (Blaze) has a tumor in his eye that is probably cancerous and has to have his eye removed, probably Tues.

I am trying to digest this...Blaze is my baby, my husband and I don't have kids and well you can imagine how spoiled he is. =) He also has some aging and cloudiness going on in his good eye, so I guess we will see how that goes as he gets older. The vet took some xrays and it doesn't seem that he has any other tumors in his body that we can see anyway...so that is good news.

It's just really hard for me to deal with this...I have read some messages online that tell people to "buck up" and deal with it ..it isn't happening to you, it is happening to him...I know that this is true. I have to get control of my emotions so he won't be upset if he sees that I am...I think he will adjust to the loss of the eye fine, it seems most dogs aren't really that affected by it once it heals.

Anyway, I am just venting basically and wondering if any of you have had anything similar. This is happening so soon, it is a lot to take in..

Thanks for any support.


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lol I'm really not a ghost...DID write something but have no idea why it disappeared.So I shall try again.

{{{Suz}}}} Haven't had to go thru something like this personally.And am still a relative newcomer to the site. But EVERYONE is wonderful and helpful.

We're here for you and Blaze.

And of course they're our kids!! they just have a few extra feet and are a bit more furry.


Hi Kat..lol..I was wondering what happened..

Thanks for the warm welcome...It seems like a wonderful site...also thanks for the support. It really helps when things are tough.

The Serenity Prayer was probably not written by Epictetus, but it could have been;  it is a direct descendent of the Stoic philosophy.   It can be a source of strength.  Dogs probably practice it better than we do.

This past year, I've turned 60, Mom died, 2 people very important to me face cancer, there's been a family separation, I quit drinking and started A.A., clouds at work, huge changes everywhere, and I don't know where th eworld is going, but this handbasket it's in might be a clue -- and I can say that possibly the one thing that's tugged most at my heartstrings has been Al's leg injury last Sept. -- the start of the 'tough year' -- and the realization that my best buddy doesn't seem to have healed completely, and isn't quite his old rocket self, and it's my fault.  [He is still hiking though.]

We can bear our own pain gracefully, but animals seem especially innocent.  It is hard to watch misfortune befall them.  Love for "just" a dog is still love.  When things aren't going as well as you'd wish, that's when you learn how important that is.

Lessee... what would Epictetus do in Blaze's situation?   Maybe get an eye patch and a pirate costume for Hallowe'en?

Hi John,

Sorry to hear about your rough year...Sometimes it is one knock down after another...hopefully things will turn around soon and you'll be experiencing some good again.

I can manage the last 2 parts of the serenity prayer, it is the Letting Go that is so hard for me.  I am a work in progress.

It seems since I found out about Blaze's tumor, well I guess it seems to have a way of showing you what matters in life and that each day shouldn't be taken for granted.  Life is short and even when it seems so crappy, there is always something to be thankful for.  I am very thankful that Blaze is still here with me. 

I will keep you and Al in my thoughts and prayers. I am happy to hear that he is still hiking.  Try not to beat yourself up about his injury..I do that too on not noticing Blaze's tumor and getting him to the doctor sooner...I guess now I just have to hope for the best and move on. 

well hang in there. Blaze has his surgery tomorrow morning...I am coming to terms that I will only have one beautiful brown eye to look into from now on, but am extremely grateful that I have that and him here with me. 

I do have to disagree with that. My critters are just as much my children as my daughter is.  Max is my heartdog.

that's sweet linda...=)

Oh, Suzanne, I am so sorry to hear about Blaze's eye. Praying that his surgery will be successful and that his healing will be quick!  Also praying for you. Blessings

Thanks Anne.  we appreciate the prayers. =)


So very sorry for your diagnosis.  We lost our little Stitch last month to cancer (Lymphosarcoma).  He was our first (only)corgi.   If you would like to read about our journey, which I started blogging when I found this site, it is called:

Stitch's Story, here on mycorgi.  I am a very private person by nature, but blogging really helped and the people here are so wonderful. 

I personally don't think you have to 'buck up' - everyone handles things differently.  Make your own path & listen to your heart.  We did and have no regrets on how we handled Stitch's cancer from diagnosis to goodbye.  Do what is right for you and Blaze...getting this news and learning how to live with the changes can be hard & the people who really understand your relationship with your corgi will understand that and give you the space you need to do what you need to do.

Glad to help with any info you might need.  Best of luck...please keep us posted.


Hi Heather,

Sorry to hear about Stitch, it must have been so hard.  I will check out your story on your blog. I think it is great that you wrote about it, I am sure it helped you just as much as it helped others to share your story.

Blaze has his surgery in the morning...he will stay overnight to make sure all is well before he comes home.  Vet said he is 100% sure it is cancer...but even the small chance that it isn't, the tumor is causing blindness and glaucoma, so it must go anyway...He doesn't seem to be in any pain, no pawing, rubbing, or anything like that...just so hard to deal with...Well anyway, thanks for the support, it means a lot.



Best of luck tomorrow...  :)



Many good thoughts and prayers will go with you and Blaze tomorrow.  Please let us know how you are both doing.


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