I've dealt with this before and I thought maybe my dog had ingested something bad, but this time I'm beginning to think he may have epilepsy. He begins to act lethargic and is wobbly on his feet. He vomits and then goes to the bathroom uncontrollably. When this happened before it would last for like 8 hours or through the night and then he would be fine the next day back to normal. Has anyone else dealt with this and their corgi? I want to feel comfortable with this being a treatable condition and that he will be ok. After all he has done fine the last 2 times this happened and good as new the next day no brain damage or anything weird like I've read. And the last 2 times it happened they were far apart in time not consecutive. Please help!

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Ok good to know! Thank you! I'm hoping it was just a mild poisoning deal because it seems like he slowly got better, but was just acting drunk and his eyes were blood shot and lazy. I don't think he convulsed really. I'm not used to dogs though and how sensitive they are I've always had cats. I really love my corgi though and I will be much more attentive to his surroundings to be sure nothing like food or chemicals come in his reach. Still going to the vet monday though.

How to Delay or Prevent Absorption
          1.Mix activated charcoal (one tablet to 10-cc water). Give one teaspoonful per two pounds body weight and follow with a pint of water. Depending upon the dog's condition, this may need to be given by stomach tube. Veterinary assistance usually is required.
          2. Thirty minutes later, give sodium sulphate (Glauber's salt), one teaspoonful per ten pounds body weight, or Milk of Magnesia, one teaspoonful per five pounds body weight.
          Note:If these agents are not available, coat the bowel with milk, egg whites or vegetable oil and give a warm water enema.
          If your dog has a poisonous substance on the skin or coat, wash it well with soap and water or give a complete bath in lukewarm (not cold) water, as described in the SKIN chapter. Even if the substance is not irritating to the skin, it should be removed. Otherwise, the dog may lick it off and swallow it. Soak gasoline and oil stains with mineral or vegetable oil. Work in well. Then wash with a mild detergent, such as Ivory soap.
          When signs of nervous system involvement begin to show, the dog is in deep trouble. At this point, your main objective is to get your dog to a veterinarian as quickly as possible. Try to bring with you a sample of vomitus, or better yet the poison in its original container. If the dog is convulsing, unconscious or not breathing, see Shock and Artificial Respiration. (Also see NERVOUS SYSTEM:Fits).
          The poisons discussed below are included because they are among the most frequently seen by veterinarians. Strychnine - Strychnine is used as a rat, mouse and mole poison. It is available commercially as coated pellets dyed purple, red or green. Signs of poisoning are so typical that the diagnosis can be made almost at once. Onset is sudden (less than two hours). The first signs are agitation, excitability and apprehension. They are followed rather quickly by intensely painful tetanic seizures that last about sixty seconds, during which the dog throws the head back, can't breathe and turns blue. The slightest stimulation, such as tapping the dog or clapping the hands, starts a seizure. This characteristic response is used to make the diagnosis. Other signs associated with nervous system involvement are tremors, champing, drooling, uncoordinated muscle spasms, collapse and paddling of the legs.
          Seizures caused by strychnine and other central nervous system toxins sometimes are misdiagnosed as epilepsy. This would be a mistake as immediate veterinary attention is necessary. Epileptic seizures are self-limited; the signs usually appear in a certain order, and each attack is the same. They are over before the dog can get to a veterinarian. Usually they are not considered emergencies (see NERVOUS SYSTEM: Epilepsy).
          Treatment: With signs of central nervous involvement, don't take time to induce vomiting. It is important to avoid loud noises or unnecessary handling that trigger a seizure. Cover your dog with a coat or blanket and drive to the nearest veterinary clinic.
          If your dog is showing signs of poisoning, is alert and able to swallow and hasn't vomited, induce vomiting as discussed above.

I found this online this helped me to rule out epilepsy so I think it may have been a poisoning of some sort. Vet is not in today due to the observation of Christmas today so will go tomorrow. Chili is ok now though and all symptoms have subsided.

Didja get anything figured out?:O

Not yet! The doc wasn't in and I didn't see a reason to go to the ER seeing as though he's fine and all the symptoms went away. I'm taking him in tomorrow to do some tests on his blood and get some more info from the doc. I kind of don't trust any doctors though whether they be for humans or dogs. They just try to charge you an arm and a leg and don't figure out squat, but I'd at least like to rule out some things. I found an article on poisoning and it helped me rule out epilepsy. He was somewhat alert not staring off and convulsing he just looked drunk and gradually got better. We shall see, but I'll keep ya posted! Thanks for your concern! :)

I spoke to 2 doctors....one from Petsmart wanted to charge me 500$ to do all these tests that couldn't really have anything to do with his seizure/drunk period whatever. I spoke with the nurse who didn't really seem to follow what I was telling her, than I spoke to his original vet who said that it would be better if I would bring him in during an episode to check his blood work and possibly fecal matter. She said it could have been parasites, but deworming him I would think would get rid of that and he's already been tested for heart worms, but I don't mind doing it again if he gets blood work done. She said that if he was just having a seizure she usually won't prescribe phenobarbital unless they are more frequent than every once in a great while. She said it may have been that and he was just taking a while to recover from it.  So I guess the mystery is still there we just have to keep moving along until the next episode. He's doing good now though as usual hyper as ever!

Awh that's too bad:(

Yeah, I don't like the people we have to put our pet's health in haha. A lot of the time, they really do just charge you for nothing. (JUST like human doctors!)

Poor pup! I hope it isn't anything too serious and at least for now the symptoms have gone away:) That's really good:D Yes, do keep me posted, I would love to know that he's okay. So make the news you have to share with us good news haha. It's good that it wasn't epilepsy. I get really nervous over stuff like that happening to my pets! Once, my cat disappeared for over a month and when he came back, he was SO skinny and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beat up. His ear was torn, he had bones like.. I don't know how the beef he got them back to normal, because they are now, but they were stabbing his insides, raising his skin and fur to look like a stick under a blanket being balanced straight up under a blanket.. I was so scared and upset.. It's the worst feeling ever when there is something wrong with your pet is my point, I guess haha. But he is all better and perfectly normal now! It's sad though, he isn't the same cat. He used to be all lovey and such but now it's really rare that he will let you love on him on your lap and such.

(I can't even watch him throw up or gag, it makes me wanna bawl because his eyes get all watery and then I can't help thinking about how crappy it feels to heave and heave and so on and I just don't want my baby dealing with that xD)

I don't know how you are putting up with it:O You are ONE TOUGH COOKIE.

Oh I'm definitely a mess about it! lol Sorry to hear about your cat. I keep mine indoors so I won't have to deal with that. I have a girl so it makes it easy. I once had a sweet boy cat who always wanted to go outside and in the end ended up disappearing in the wilderness. I was so pissed!

I'm thinking it's cluster seizures and I'm going to see if she can get him on some valium or try it out in case it happens again. I just want to know we tried something instead of just waiting and watching. Let's see if she'll go for that.

You really need to have the bloodwork done.  Many abnormalities in the blood can cause seizures.  Just remember that if left untreated, the seizures will kill your dog eventually, and no reputable vet would ever put him on medication without doing bloodwork first.

Ok good to know... I thought that was a good idea, but I just spoke with my vet and she said to wait till he goes through this again and videotape it so we can get a better idea. She said she doesn't want to give any medication until she figures out what's happening when it does happen. I think you are right though.


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