Hi everyone,

This is my first post and I made this account right when I got my little corgi but have not had any time to participate as I've been spending all my time with Wagyu.

She is 6 months now and we are having difficulties walking her. We have tried bringing treats along the walk and peanut butter on a spoon. It worked a bit at first but now she is showing no interest in the peanut butter. The treat works a bit but we have to lure her into every few steps. She just plants her stumps and refuses to go. We try pulling her but we are almost dragging her and don't want to hurt her. 

We started out walking her 1km twice daily and I'm starting to think maybe that was too much? She didn't appear tired after n still ran around but maybe its too much for her little attention span.

Any advice would be very appreciated as we are out of ideas.

On a positive note, you can watch Wagyu grow @wagyuthecorgi on instagram!

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I can't say I've experienced this myself, but just a question...does she wear a collar to walk or a harness? When Noodles was little, we started off with a collar and he wasn't too keen on walking and I switched to a harness after only a couple of weeks. He loves his harness and doesn't pull when walking. Just a suggestion is all.

I would have also suggested treats, but you did that. Does she seem to be in pain at all or does this only occur when trying to take a walk?

I will try out the harness but no she doesn't appear to be in pain at all. Occasionally sh ewill walk quickly but as soon as she smells something she will stop to sniff or eat it. Sometimes there's nothing but she just stops n I don't know why. If there's strangers that are walking ahead she will walk fast as she wants to catch up to them. So its not a physical problem

Hi there,

My corgi (and his brother, I've heard) are not real fans of walking either.  Never have been.  When he was a puppy, we used treats to reward movement, and there's also a thread on here where others mention a handy trick.  If you cross the loose portion of the leash over your thighs and walk, the repetitive tugging motion from your legs hitting the leash can sometimes help.

I can't say that we ever really found a solution.  He grew out of the feet planting eventually, but still walks slow and likes to sniff junk on the grount.  We have many dog parks near us where we take Jerry to get his runaround in, if he's not into walks.  He's ALWAYS into park time.  We've also discovered that he's great at walking off-leash on off-leash dog trails.  For the most part, neighborhood walking just isn't something we really get to enjoy with our dog, but we've found other activities we can enjoy together.

Do you have any parks or trails near you?  Maybe you can switch it up and try a new route to get some interest from her.  It may also be a good opportunity, since you already have treats, to work on "leave it!" as a command.  Just keep with any routine you've built so far.  She'll get used to it eventually!

Sorry for the late response. 

There are dog parks but shes kinda scared of those because of all the big dogs there. She seems to enjoy other puppies and playing in the yard. She explores and follows her nose way too much for us to let her off leash in a trail for now. 

The harness was easier to pull her but she still did not want to walk. W will keep trying on smaller walks i guess.

Reminds me of a neighbor who has a 9 week old Corgi..has had her collar for 3 days and refuses to do anything in it, even eat a treat or dinner.  They have been leaving it on except when she is in her crate...any thoughts?

Try being more fun on your walks so that you compete with all the good smells he'd rather be sniffing.    Take a tennis ball and bounce it in front of you.  Make interesting squeaky noises.  Hop up and down, run a few steps, then stop.  If he comes with you, good boy!  Praise.  Give him the ball, a treat, and lots of good dogs!  Then give him a big reward by letting him sniff.  Put it on command.  Balance his good walking with rewarding him with what he likes to do - sniffing around or peacefully enjoying his environment.  Have fun!




I can empathize with you on this one. When Nutmeg was younger (she's now 9 months old), she would do the stop/start thing. We tried the treats, but then should would only move if there was a treat. Then, we realized she would walk on the leash with me, but not my husband. It seemed to have something to do with who was leading on the walk, the person or the dog. When she walked with me, I was clearly the leader and she would walk on the leash with a loose leash. Occasionally she would stop and I would give a gentle tug and words of encouragement and she would begin walking again. With my husband, he kept looking to her to decide the direction I think it was confusing to her. Once she was clear who was leading on the walk, she walked.

The other thing I realized was that the "stop" behavior also correlated with the need to "do her business" (eliminate). So, if she had to go, she would stop where she was, kind of like a little kid in the department store that grabs themselves and says, "Mommy, I gotta go now". So, by getting her to a patch where she could "do her business", she could carry on with the walk after doing her thing and Mommy cleaning it up.

Other things to consider. What's the temperature outside when you are walking. As we are in the summer months now, we walk early in the morning 7:00 a.m. and in the early evening 7:00 p.m. to ensure the surface on which Nutmeg walks is not too hot and to prevent overheating on her walk. Also, check Wagyu's nails. If they're too long, it might be causing pain when walking on a hard surface.

Lastly, on the treat lure. Try this. When you first walk out the door for the walk, make sure you step out the door first. This designates you as the leader on the walk. Then, once you are both out the door, face your dog while walking backward, give little treats as  your dog continues to walk toward you. Then, once you are the most interesting focal point, begin walking next to your dog, both of you facing the same direction and occasionally treat your dog while continuing to walk. See if that works for you. Goodluck.

Update on the puppy who wouldn't do anything in her collar.  I had suggested seeing if they could find an even lighter weight collar, even a cat collar and they did and she's fine with the new collar.

Are you able to run? I've found that Cassie (who sometimes drags) will trot right along if I jog instead of walking. Something about the different rhythm of the feet hitting the concrete, maybe? I walk faster than I can jog, and so if she thinks I'm moving faster, it's an illusion. 

But consider the possibility that she's trying to tell you something. Is it too hot? Corgis are adapted to chase sheep in Wales...it's cool and green there. If you live in the Southwest or the deep South, the summer temps may be daunting.  Have you had the vet check her lately? Could she have a tummyache or a sore joint? And what's your attitude when walking? I once had a German shepherd trainer point out that to get a dog to heel, you want to make your company on the walk pleasant and fun. Are you texting or yakking on the phone, or are you interacting with the dog?

Thanks for the responses everyone. We do engage her on the walks and constantly say good and good girl. We talk to her and tried the jog. Sometimes he follows but if she's reluctant to walk she will just refuse go run too.

She has been doing a lot better lately since we have found a lot of dogs at the park recently so I think she looks forward to that. Someone recommended a martingale collar for us as its safer for pullers. She is being spayed today so we won't be able to walk for a bit.

I notice you mention she's had her spay. If the big plastic cone is too daunting for her, I recommend trying a ProCollar inflatable collar. About day 4 of recovery, Nutmeg started experiencing anxiety related to the "cone". She wouldn't move, wouldn't eat, etc. So, we got a Pro-Collar and she went back to her normal personality. She could eat, play, and most importantly, see.  We still put the cone on at night so she could get a good night's rest. But during the day, the Pro-Collar made her much happier. Just something to consider if your pup is having "cone" anxiety. Good luck.

We were well prepared for the spay and got her a comfy cone and brought it with us to the vet. She hated it at first of course but she ate right away that night with it on and is back to her old energetic self, all happy an excited the next day. She's doing great with it and it acts as a cushion for her when she lays down so shes pretty used to it.

Shes been walking to the front door and sitting there lately like shes trying to tell us she wants to go out for a walk. Hopefully after she recovers she enjoys the walks more


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