My Corgi Flint dose not like to get wet at all. But I have seen alot of pictures with Corgis in them swimming. Is Flint uncommon or common to not like to swim

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All of mine have liked to swim. Sometimes if they are with another dog that likes water it will get them to try it. That is how our doberman started swimming. The two girls don't like rain but will jump in a pond or lake with no problem. Misty, the dobe, was afraid of water until she was playing with a friend's lab and she fell in accidently. The lab then jumped in to play and Misty has liked it ever since.
Hi my Cardi will go in the edge of the sea or river but wont go in fully, he tends to lie in the shallow but has never gone in above elbows
Roxi didn't like swimming until we got her floaties (a doggy life vest) just because she's so long and her butt floats away/sinks if she doesn't have it. Plus when we introduced her to water it was the river behind our college and she would slowly float away from us hahaha. This was extremely funny (well to us cuz we knew she wasn't in danger) because her eyes would get huge after a moment and she'd start paddling like a mad girl towards us on the shore.

Then we got my brothers husky to dive in a few times off the end of the dock (at a lake and half a year later) and Roxi freaked out and went after her. After a few jumps they were just doing laps themselves, jumping swimming to the lakes edge and running off the dock again.

It's always helpful to have a playmate along :)
Ginny hates swimming too. She'll wade in the water, but she won't get in deeper than what she can stand in. I even tried taking her to a pool when they had a doggy day, and she had a life jacket on, and she just looked miserable. I would put her in, she'd swim in a semi-circle right back to the edge and want me to take her back out. The life jacket had a little handle on it, so I could just pull her out. I guess each corgi is unique!
I was wondering the same thing! We had Twinkie at my dad's pool this weekend. She ignored it completely until my kids got in and then she was really alarmed (I guess about their safety) and barked and barked. We gave her some calm love on the pool deck and she was able to relax but I don't think it ever crossed her mind to get in.
I believe Ethel Barrymore's goal in life is to go white-water rafting without a raft. I really have to hold her back, she loves to jump in water, and the rougher the better. Bertie Wooster, as a pup, jumped into a river and did an unfortunate barrel roll, where his head went under while his feet went in the air, then he righted himself and I hauled him out. Now at age 5, he will only go into water where he can see and feel the bottom. Although, one day, he did swim across a river when we saw some picnicers on the other side. They gave him a hot dog, he said thanks, and swam back!
Mine would do anything for a hot-dog!
Finn seems to like the water but I don't know how he would react to swimming. We're going to take him to my father in law's to get him in the pool since our vet recommended swimming to strengthen his hips so I really hope he enjoys it. I thought about getting a life vest for him so all he has to do is paddle but a breeder friend of mine said you can also just put a towel under their belly and lead them around the pool, supporting their weight.
Isn't it the cutest thing? I call Ethel my little submarine, her snout is like the periscope, and then the long body just under the water's surface. Sadly, she has no rudder....
Oh I know :) the best part of Roxi's vest is when you pick her up out of the water and she's still paddling in the air!


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