Anyone here ever used a thunder shirt on a corgi? My Jet is *so much calmer* than she used to be (she'll be one year old next Friday, I know, still a pup!); but she occasionally still has trouble settling down for an hour with us in the evening in her dog bed, and when she thrashes around too much we put her back in the kitchen, when I'd so much rather keep her with us in the living room. So I've been wondering if a thunder shirt on those nights might help calm her down. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

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How much exercise is she getting? I don't really think this is the place for a thundershirt unless she truly seems anxious.

I've never heard of using thundershirts for just a quiet evening.  I think they are more for when the dog is anxious about storms, fireworks, etc.  Try 'training' her to be calm.  Capture the behavior with a treat or "good dog" when she is lying quietly at your feet.  You might have to do it a lot, but eventually she will get it.  Google kikopup youtube videos on how to train calmness. 

Thank you Jane & Susan both for your thoughts.  I know, she never gets *enough* exercise, and it is true that in general the nights she's better sitting at my feet are when she's had more exercise (though not invariably; sometimes the exercise winds her up hah).  The thundershirt was a thought; we'll just keep working on calmness for now. 

Though I may try a thundershirt for putting her in her plane bag, should we ever fly her somewhere: while she loves her crate, she has not liked the experiments in the plane bag, but I occasionally feed her in it now to work on that.

Agree with Jane. She does not need to be calmed down, she needs an avenue to use up her energy.  Corgis are an energetic working breed and, young dogs especially, need a lot of good long walks....among other things to keep their active minds and bodies busy. 


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