seeking soneone to spoil and play with me . full breed corgi welsh just don't have the akc papers. I'm 4 years old well trained . Love to cuddle. Have done well with kids when I have been around them. Love to be brushed and petted. All shots up to date. Owner has some medical problems so not able to give me as much attention as I would like. Also love to ride in the car. Owen is my name. I am a fixed male.

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I just passed in on tp a woman who was looking for one but may have found one ...I'll let you know:)

Awesome, hopefully he gets a nice family. Just found it and since this is the best spot for corgi lovers ya know :)

She just got her home inspected today for one.  I wish I could remember the others who wanted one...will look back and see what I can find.

I passed on the info to someone else you doing way up there in Alaska...we're going to get the MN heat this week:( It's been nice but things are going to change:(

Well hopefully he gets a loving home. Alaska is good, we (boyfriend now fiancé) went out on a few fishing trips, up to our gills in fish (halibut and salmon) and Buddha loves the leftovers. I convinced him to eat the roe (salmon eggs) with me today. LoL he still isn't sure about them. Weather is under 60, been raining and very windy. Ick! How's home? I miss summer.

Congrats Katy!!!!!!!!!! The weather here has been great after the rain finally stopped. Not the usual humidity or heat that we get but they are predicting that for this week. We have been having lows in the 50's:) I miss fishing...I grew up going as we went up north and to Canada every year just to fish!

The lady I emailed after the 1st works with rescues and others to find Corgis good homes so she probably passed this on!


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