Free Pembroke Welsh corgi to good home


Free Pembroke Welsh corgi to good home

Date: 2011-05-28, 6:51PM EDT
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My owner has to move and can't take me. I am heartworm posstive (I used to spit out my pills and my owner didn't know it) but am being treated conservatively. I am beyond sweet and gentle and already fixed. Please help! 883-6589

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Where is this beautiful little girl she looks like my Maggie that we lost 3 weeks ago she used to spit out pills as well we are ready to adopt a corgi again and are interested we live in corpus christi texas.


Take Care,

Shannon Powers

Oh whoops, thats kind of an important detail- sorry about that!

The pup is from Richmond Virginia (or around there)- I crossed over it on craigslist this morning.

Oh that's too bad it is near impossible to find a corgi here in south texas we don't mind driving but there is no way we could travel that far oh such a shame we would have gladly taken her. She is beautiful.


Take Care,

Shannon Powers

Are you looking for a puppy or an adult? You could try looking through for your area and contact a few breeders, they often times have adults they are looking to place.

I did find this girl on, kind of a long drive. She's very cute though!

Or this guy is in dallas, again long drive probably. There's a cardigan in Dallas too but I'm assuming you want a pem.

Oh thanks so much I do check pet 
Petfinder daily but these to are new and your right they are cute!!
I'm pretty sure I saw this ad on here a few days ago...  I think someone called and found out it's actually a male.  I'll have to see if I can find it.
Found it!  I almost thought I was going crazy for a minute.
So sad I can't believe people would treat their dog like that I wish I lived closer I would take him in a heartbeat
oh your right! guess they reposted. Its so sad :(


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