June 24, 2011  The vets diagnois is Auto Immune Mediated Inflammatory Disease.


Well, here we are two weeks after Lance's initial vet visit for a check on his ears that were bothering him, seeming to be an ear infection when shortly after that visit he developed ear Hematomas. The vet is still waiting for a few more results as the tests he ran, take a couple days to get all of the results back.  With all the symptoms, Lance is presenting over the last two weeks with no relief, he really is pretty sure he has the auto immune mediated inflammatory disease.  He got a shot of steriods at the vet today, and will start taking steriods in pill form starting tommorrow.  Hopefully the steriod treatment will bring relief for once. 


Seems a bit overwhelming dealing with such an issue, that seems to have come out of no where.  The vet said he would call and check on how Lance was doing later tonight.  Heres hoping that the vet bills don't go into overdrive, but of course wanting Lance to get well and stay well.  What an emotional rollercoaster. 


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Rugby, our older Tri, was diagnoised with the exact same thing. We honestly thought that he wasn't going be with us for very much longer. They put him on a steroid regiment and special diet. Thankfully he responsed really well and the past few blood tests came back all within normal levels. I know what your going through. The first sixth months or so will be tough. The steroids will puff him up and he'll have a hard time controlling his peeing. Hopefully you'll have the same results that we did. We now look at every day we have Rugby as a blessing!
What special diet is Rugby on?  Glad to hear that Rugby responded so well, thats great to hear.  I was hoping we had a little bit before we had to worry about him controlling his pee, but apparently, that kicks in right away.  Poor guys.  How old is Rugby now and how old was he when he was diagnosed.  I hear you about every day is a blessing.  Seems like things are too easy to take for granted until you are faced with reality.
Hang in there, Natalie and Lance!  Best Corgi Wishes coming from my three to Lance. 
Thank You so much!!!
I so hope Lance is OK, he's one of my favorite corgis.

awwwww, thanks for the smile :)  I so hope so too!!!!


Thanks so much everyone!!! 


Lances hematomas have gone done considerably while on the steriods. Not sure if this will be on going thing or if will be flare ups here and there.  Learning as we go.  I was hoping the side effects of the meds would take a while to kick in, such as not being able to hold his pee.  It did kick in, so we just have to be really sure to let him out alot more often.  Back to the vet on Saturday for a recheck.  A good question for the vet about this being chronic or if he will have flare ups from time to time. 

So Glad to hear he is doing better, Hope it continues. Hang in there. Keep us posted.
Thank You, I will!!
He will drink gallons also. When Rocky was on Pred, the vet said don't limit his water during the day but we could take it up at night. Check with your vet about this. Our vet said the pred could cause liver problems if water was limited so going outside a whole bunch was much less of an issue. Watch his food intake also. Their already good appetite can jump to even higher levels!!
We definately have been spending much more time outside, but thats ok, that is what he needs right now.  Yeah, he definately is drinking a ton of water, which is good, don't want it to affect his liver!!  Right now we are feeding him twice a day 3/4 of a cup per the vets instruction before we knew about this, cause Lance was a bit underweight, will need to ask him at his next visit if we should cut back a bit.

Oh boy, we are thinking of you guys. Hope the steroids help.  I just lost my mother in April after a swift, four-month battle with a lymphoma of the brain (!!), and I know steroids get a bad rap -- but, boy, they helped her so much, I have really rethought my feelings about them.  Used well, they can perform miracles, I hope you get one!  good luck.


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