Please help.  My Maggie is almost 13.  Last month, she began having digestive issues.....vomiting and diarrhea.  We have taken her to the Vet twice, and all her blood work and xrays are normal.  They gave us special food for her which she refused to eat.  Switched to chicken and rice, ate it for a while and then stopped eating that.  Now we're giving her lean hamburger and rice.  She vomited that foamy yellow stuff this morning and still has VERY loose stools.  She was on an antibiotic for 10 days and an anti nausea medication for 4 days, both of which have ended.  She's lost 5 pounds.  

I don't know what to feed her anymore.  She only seems to want people food.  Do I feed her tiny amounts 4-6 times a day or call the Vet again.

Anyone have had digestive issues with their older corgis?  And, if so, what did you do to correct it?

Any advice at this time would be appreciated.  Thank you.

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I hope your Maggie is doing better.  When they vomit yellow foamy stuff, it simply means they are hungry.  The intestinal tract is irritated, which causes the food to pass through more quickly and little of it gets absorbed.  The antibiotics destroy the natural beneficial intestinal flora, along with any bad bacteria.  So you need to keep the stomach happy (small frequent meals), while giving a break to the intestinal tract (bland, easily digested foods) and keep this up for a week or so, gradually reintroducing her normal kibble ( 1/4 of her kibble mixed in with her meal one day , then 1/2 kibble the next day if all goes well, until you are back to all kibble).  I recommend one carb and one protein at each meal.  The carb can be boiled rice or boiled potato, the protein can be lean cooked chicken, or cottage cheese, or yogurt.

KEEP IN MIND THAT THEY WILL EAT MORE QUANTITY-WISE OF THIS WET FOOD THAN THEY WOULD OF DRY KIBBLE. The stool will be soft and look yellowish until you start to add kibble, but will not be runny.

I am so sorry to tell you all that Maggie has Lymphoma. She was diagnosed today. She is much worse than when I first wrote this. Please keep these symptoms in mind for liver failure or metastatic disease. And, please periodically check your fur babies for any lumps or bumps. One of Maggie's lymph nodes was 5.2 cm., which of course I never felt.

She will be crossing the rainbow bridge next Monday. She was given medication to make her comfortable until my daughter can get off from her job to come home to be with us.

Thank you for all the great advice. I will remember all this should it come time to adopt another fur baby.

Love you all. ❤️

Judy...I am so very sorry, my heart breaks for you.  I lost my Max to lymphoma a year ago next month.  The lumps tend to start slow and then grow rapidly until you can feel them and those are just the ones below the skin.  No idea how many may be inside.

I know you will love on her and make her time with you happy and seeing your daughter will bring her great joy.  I'm sure Max will greet her on her crossing and the two of them can run free and zoom all over the place.

So sorry to hear this but, hard as it is, at least you have answers that can make her comfortable now.  I had an Alaskam Malamute years ago, in the prime of his life, who suddenly started to show the symptoms you described.  We went to many Vets, did test after test, cost us a fortune and the dog just kept getting worse.  Finally we took him to a Vet School, three hours away, and they diagnosed lymphoma.  We also kept him comfortable for a week or so, to allow family come say their goodbys and he passed peacefully at home, with the help of our caring Vet.  Best we can do.... Thankfully most digestive upsets don't fall in this category.  Hugs to you.

Judy, I'm so sorry to hear this diagnosis. Thinking of you during this difficult time. Maggie knows how much you love her.


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