Well, my company is gone and I am putting my house back in order. The problem is I have two January corgis! How do I decide which mycorgi calender to hang since my husband tells me it is ridiculous to hang two calenders next to each other! What have the rest of you done? Do I go with adorable Obi or gorgeous Roger?? Agh curse you Sam and the calender staff!!

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Bev, I have two ,one by the computer, and the other on the fridge!


LOL.... hang them high and side by side :)
We keep one in the kitchen and the other one in the bedroom
One in the living room, one in my work room.
Yeah, I have two..one in the bedroom and one in the kitchen. So actually it is worse because I have  4 January's!  Yes Sam, I did hang them together and my husband thinks I am a little nuts!!  They are soo cute. I guess that will work for one month. I do love my corgi calenders.
I hang the two (or three) side by side in my bedroom so I see corgis everywhere when I wake up!  Then I have one in my bathroom too.....
Haha....tell your husband to just be thankful you don't have other obsessions then the Corgis!!!!


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