Hello all!
Well, I have had our 2nd Corgi 'Rowdy' for a month now, and from day #1 I had to mount his waterbowl above the crate floor because he would (purposely) step in it. The instant he comes upon any water bowl, he instantly sticks his two front paws in it... if not all four! ha ha
I had him with me while visiting my parents who have an inground pool... so me and my siblings who were visting from out of town put 'Rowdy' to the test!
We brought him into the water and he instantly swam around. He liked it. It was pretty funny watching his little bitty body swimming around like a pro. Of course I stood right by him and took him out after 10-20 seconds so he would not get over tired (he was only 7 weeks old at that time).
I brought home a plastic baby pool yesterday and before I could even get the pool filled, he was fighting to get in it.
I sat on the porch step and watched him hop in and out, pat at the water, and hop out and bolt around the yard, shake then back to the pool for round #2! It was hilarious.
Before Shorty was stolen, I never really noticed this desire for playing with water... Rowdy was only 5 weeks when we brought him home, so I know he had no prior experiences with water.
I am curious to know other Corgi Owners experiences.
I wanna hear your stories :)

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Last month, we took Ella (age 1) to Lake Michigan to play in the sand and water. We went way away from the commonly used public beaches, so that Ella could play and not worry about too many dogs/people. If you check out my page pictures you will see Ella digging and playing in the sand, not the water. She went in the edge of the water just twice and did well, but once her paws were off the ground she paddled back. Her little butt floated in the funniest way and she didn't like getting her nose wet. Of course she doesn't like rain or mud puddles either. She doesn't mind her bath, just looks sad the whole time.
Maybe I should try a small pool and see if she would play.
LOL, that is too cute... I know that 'sad look' from my Shorty. I will have to look at your pics. These little guys keep me laughing every day.
My Jordan loves to swim but alas he's terrible at it (can't keep his but up so you see a head floating around) 1 time last fall I thought I was gonna have to go in and get him which would have been bad the Columbia is cold that time of year. I ordered him a float coat from RUFF WEAR and now he's super corgi in the water!! he swims after my lab Cody when we throw sticks the funny part is he can't keep up so at some point he latches onto Cody mans tail and gets towed around instead LOL 1 of these days I'm going to remember the stupid camera so I can post pictures of this=)
My boys have never had a chance to swim, but they love their wading pool. Randy especially loves it. He will do just like your Rowdy...it is so funny. Leo will get in and splash around too sometimes. I toss in some of their toys so they can fetch them off the bottom..they are really good at it.
Wendy the breeder we got Sami from asked in a phone call if she had ever played in her water bowl, that her mother loved to do this. I told no nothing like that at all. Well a few days later she began pawing at her water bowl in the den and promptly tipped it over on the rug. We laughed and she lost one of her 4 water bowls, the one in the den. We bought Sami a kiddie pool and she loves it. If you have time check out the videos we put up of her playing in her pool and "A Frapping good mud bath". She bites at the water like she can get a hold of it and when she can't she will paw and yap at it.
Ein LOVES the beach. Ran right into the water and started to go out before I could put his life-vest on. Had a great time. Pools... if you put him in he will swim to the steps then just sit in the water till he gets board then gets out. He's deff not afraid, but not a diver either. Maybe if he saw another dog do it. He didn't lift his leg till he saw another dog do it. (and man is that funny to watch.) So maybe he just needs a swimming buddy


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