Our little Harry is so far enjoying his first winter...somewhat...
He will play for a little bit and then collapse and start crying while lifting any of his paws one at a time...Once he is back inside he is fine. we thought maybe the ground was just too cold for him or the salt that is thrown was bothering his paws so we bought him some booties which he HATES...yes in all caps..

So what are we to do? He is peeing and pooping in the house now since it does not want to go out in the cold and this am, I took him out and re flat out refused to potty before I left for work...Now the little guy has to hold it until 4pm.

Does anyone else have this problem??? I am nearing my wits end and we are only 2 snowstorms in here in NH!

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Wow, I thought it was tought for us-we have trouble getting our dogs to exercise enough because of the cold (-6 right now) and snow (about 8" on the ground), but they at least go to the bathroom outside yet.

Do you have your own yard or do you live in the city? if you have your own yard, maybe clear a path so that Harry can avoid the snow. If the snow isn't too deep, I would suggest running around out there for a bit with him, maybe he'll begin to think it is fun again.

Our Ein is such a snow dog, he absolutely loves it when it is snowing and hops through the snow. This is only his first winter. Ed on the other hand seems to dislike it. He will run out, do his business, and want right back in.

After the first dusting of snow I went and ran around outside with Ein. It helps that Ed will chase Ein through the snow too. I've also cleared a path in the yard for them so they can avoid the majority of the snow if they want.

Sorry, not too much help but that is what has happened with us.
it just started getting too cold for Gibson the past few days, since our windchill was around -30 or so! He'd go outside and then just start shaking all over and not being able to walk :( Can't wait for it to bet back into the teens & 20's this week!! We were at my parents over the weekend and their ground was covered w/ice and it was making it hard for Gibson to find a spot to potty..I'd have to walk him every time he went out (and he had 2 accidents in the house :( First time in over 2 months!. You might have to take him for quick walks if you want him to potty outside.
You can use a protective wax on their paws if they are opposed to the booties.

The wax will help protect from the chemical salt and from the snow drying out their paw pads. You might try getting him a little fleece jacket if it is really cold to help him keep warm. Beyond that, he's just going to have to get used to it. Some corgis love the snow, mine included. She will literally seek out a pile of snow just so she can drive her nose through it. She really hates wearing her coat though, so I only make her wear that when the temps are sub-zero. It's probably just more of a personal preference for him, but at some point he's going to have to go potty outside. You may have to go back to kenneling him if he's decided to start pottying in the house. Then at some point, he will have no choice but to potty outside.
I don't have any trouble with Duncan in the snow. He loves it! He chomps through it, rolls in it, fraps through it and makes Corgi angels.

My problem is when it is raining......he refuses to go outside in the rain unless he really is desperate. Which, makes me glad he has piddle pads. I know a lot of you owners disapprove of the piddle pads, saying it confuses the dog; but I've been very lucky. He lets us know when he wants to go outside to do his business, which is what he prefers. But, it's nice for the alternative for when he refuses when it's raining, or we are out of the house longer than we had planned.

Anyway, try the wax on his feet. We don't take the dogs for walks to much during the winter because of the salt on the sidewalks. We take them outside several times a day for a quick play session, which has been quite chilly here.


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