Okay so today we took Midas to the local dog park. We have been going regularly for the past 3 or so weeks. It's been about a month since the last time he was attacked, which was the first. That time all the dogs were standing at the gate when we entered and just surrounded him. Then as soon as I start to walk away I hear him cry. Three dogs were taking turns nipping his haunches. I run over to pick him up and when I do have him in my arms they are jumping up, still biting. I could feel them pulling on him while he was crying. I felt so helpless, I just stood there and held him trying my best to cover his bum. All the owners came running over and were very apologetic. I checked him over and he seemed okay. So we stayed and the dogs that attacked left. I wanted to stay to make sure he still thought of the park as a good thing. That night I went home and told Zach all about it. I was traumatized, I couldn't even imagine how our sweet innocent boy felt. Poor baby.
So today we are at the park. Quite a few large dogs there and none his size. Went in, everything was fine. No dogs surrounded him upon entrance. He was walking about doing his own thing for a couple minutes. Then him and an old friend found each other and they started to rough house. They stayed right at our feet, everything was going well. Then comes another dog who seemed to be excited about Midas and Maggie(the old friend) playing. So this other dog that Midas had never met before kept barking right in Midas's ear, so Midas cowards. Dogs that bark at him scare him, he's not very confident. So while Midas is being a good boy not showing any signs of aggression even while getting barked at by one unknown dog and dominated in rough housing with Maggie, another dog comes charging over and bites him. He yelps! My heart races, and as I freeze for a second I think not again, why is this happening?! I leap into protective mom action and push the dog that's on top of him away. I know, not the smartest idea. As I try to grab Midas up he gets bit again and takes off. I chase after along with all other owners leaping into action. My poor little puppy was getting attacked and all the other dogs were getting excited. I knew I had to get him fast. Finally I was able to scoop Midas up. I held him close and told him it was okay. Then again this evil dog leaped up and grabbed on to his hind leg. Midas cries out as I can feel the evil dog grip and pull down on his hind leg! I was starting to tear up knowing my baby was hurting. Everybody came over and the dogs dispersed. The owner didn't even come over or say sorry or leave. Needless to say I was terrified and pissed! We carried him over to the other fenced in area. He seemed okay, no limps or anything. So when we got him home we looked him over once more and found a little blood. We will be sure to keep an eye on it for any infections. I just don't understand why this is happening.
Now I'm not naive and I know dog fights will happen. But is it too much to ask for an apology and for the dog to leave. I just feel that if your dog attacks another they shouldn't be coming back. That dog is not to be trusted. Midas is only 9months old and he has gotten attacked twice. We got a dog park pass so he wouldn't fear dogs and could socialize, now i fear it is only going to do the opposite...

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I'm so sorry to hear this. I know how you feel. My corgi got attacked, mounted, bullied a lot at the dog park. She LOVES other dogs, but I have just stopped taking her completely. I'm sick of those uncontrolled owners and their dogs. So, I just stick with walks and encounters with people and other dogs on hikes and walks. Dogs parks are a caged environment with great dogs, but BAD owners. I don't think any dog is "evil", it's not the dogs fault that it acts that way. The owners are the "evil" ones since they aren't giving the dog proper training. Obviously those dogs think they are leaders and think they can control every dog in there because their owners don't know how to control or train their dogs.

If you want to keep taking Midas to the dog park, perhaps look for another park with a small dog area or take him around the dogs from outside the dog park for he can see them through the gate. Or just examine the dogs before you take him in there. If there is an aggressive dog, don't go in, but if all the dogs look fine and are all playing well with big and small dogs, go in. And when another dog comes in, call Midas to you, keep him on the lead and see how the new dog acts with the other dogs.

I hope he can enjoy dog parks the next time and not get attacked. :-( Poor baby.
I would stop going to that dog park personally. I have several parks close to me and rarely go to them after having a few bad experiences and seeing irresponsible owners doing things inside them that make my skin crawl.

I would find a park that has a separate area for small dogs and take your dog there. He needs to build confidence being around other dogs his own size and play style. Big dogs do not play the same way that small dogs do. This can create many problems. Over-exuberant larger dogs play roughly and scare small dogs.

If you can find a play group for puppies that is monitored by a local dog training club I would look into doing that. The dog school I work for does a weekly playgroup only for puppies that always has someone there monitoring the dogs.

When you notice rough play happening do not panic. Dogs will feed off your facial expressions and body language and go into full attack mode. Just re-direct the aggressive dog elsewhere or remove your dog briskly and calmly.
Dog parks are certainly filled with both good and bad. I think you would do best to avoid this park and perhaps find a training class where your boy can be socialized in a more controlled environment. Sadly I have seen many dangerous situations in dog parks. The concept is a good one as many dogs do enjoy romping with others. Unfortunately many people with out of control or reactive dogs feel they have every right to be there too. Just as anything else in life there are those that choose not to follow the rules.
You may also consider finding a few pals that have balanced and friendly dogs to go walking with or perhaps go to each others houses for play time. I surely would not risk a third time.
I also have had a few problems at my local dog park. The reason I go to the dog park is I do not have a yard for the dogs and one of my dogs is not fond of walking but loves to run free with other dogs. Does your dog park have a small dog yard? if so try to take your dog to that side of the park. Also email or call the people who regulate the park, we can call and they will patrol the park more often to help people who have problems such as yours. Good luck don't get discouraged it is worth it.


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