I am starting to get really frustrated and discouraged with this search for a 2nd dog. I had contacted breeders and have now had 3 people offer their adults to me but all were asking $1000+. My PERFECT puppy (in pretty much EVERY way) was also offered to me by my dream breeder, but was also $1000. Due to my current financial situation I had to turn down all of them. The puppy was the hardest since she is basically EXACTLY what I wanted when I first started searching and ended up finding Franklin. 

I have scoured rescue sites, craigslist, and classified ads for a corgi without much success. I have applied to 2 different rescues who have corgis that fit the description of what I want, again without success. I found a wonderful little dog in rescue today and then come to find out it is the SAME dog who was at animal control just yesterday and had 6 applications for it, but now its in a rescue with a $375 adoption fee and rescues never approve me because I don't have a fenced yard. 

I even took Franklin to meet one of the rescues at my school who is not a corgi but a very sweet dog. I had put my name down to adopt her back in September (they are available for adoption at the end of the school year in April). Well despite being super friendly with people she is MAJORLY dog aggressive. She was really intense and focused on Franklin in the beginning of our walk and took the trainer quite some time to calm her down and a long walk to get her to not focus so much on Franklin and then when we finally allowed them to get a bit closer to each other she bit at Franklin when his back was turned, totally unprovoked. The meet and greet today really put me over the edge. I was SO SURE she was going to work out because she has seemed so sweet and friendly so far, she was kind of my back up plan for if I couldn't find a corgi by April. Well so much for that idea. I have grown very attached to her figuring she would be my future dog, but I re-homed Truck mostly due to dog aggression so there is no way I can take on a 50 pound dog with the same sneak attack aggression Truck had. I am just SO FRUSTRATED with all the dead ends! I wish I had the money to buy that puppy and just get this over with! I know she'd be perfect. Anyway, if anyone hears of a tri-color corgi, adult or puppy in or around California, please keep me posted! The search continues....

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Figure out what you want, or you'l probably end up with something else.

That said, be flexible; your perfect dog may not be what you think.

Decide what you're willing to pay.

Be patient.  You're in this for the long haul.  It's a major decision you'll live with for a long time. Don't be in a hurry (my style is the "ambush hunter":  you lurk, wait, and eventually what you want comes your way.  Beware impulses.

Breathe deep, curl up with the dog, relax.

Hey Melissa, maybe your just meant to find the right dog, patience,as you well know too many mismatches are made,you are going to find the right match, just be patient,there are many dogs looking for a person just like you!

Well as fate would have it I applied for a dog in rescue today and was contacted saying that they approved my application! But they require a $100 non-refundable deposit to hold the dog before I even meet him or have him meet Franklin? I am going to call them tomorrow morning and figure out if there is a way around the non-refundable part because that seems a bit odd to me for a rescue to do that. But cross your fingers! I would go down and meet/get him Sunday (or tomorrow if I can get somebody to cover my kennel work shift at school).

Hopefully they mean the deposit for the dog just goes toward the adoption fee IF you adopt the dog.  I'm assuming that if he doesn't work out, you'd get the deposit back.  Being a rescue, I'd think they would understand that the dog needs to fit into its home and wouldn't object to giving back a deposit if you see that it wouldn't work out.

Good luck Sunday.  I am also starting a search for another dog and may have found a cardi breeder that I really like!  She's responsive to my emails, shows her dogs, and the price isn't really outside of my budget.  A litter is planned for late summer or fall, right in my window for the time I want to get a dog.  Probably is a bit harder looking for an adult dog that fits what you want, but hopefullly this one will work.

Emily's right, I think.  I can't imagine they'd keep the $100 if you didn't end up taking the pup after Franklin and you get a chance to meet him.  I'm sure the deposit goes towards the adoption fee.  Anyway, good luck!!!!!!  Keep us posted and provide lots of pictures!


Oh, and like the other folks have said....as hard as it is (we've all been there, hon!)...sometimes things take a bit longer but you will be rewarded with the perfect dog for Franklin and you.  Believe me, I know how you feel!

What about the tricolor in Bakersfield that's in rescue?

He had 6 applications ahead of me, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT he was pulled by another rescue and I WAS APPROVED TO ADOPT HIM! How adorable is he!? They can't meet with me until next week but I can't wait to meet him! Hopefully by then they will have more information on him. I have been searching for almost a year so I am REALLY hoping he's the one!


He is ADORABLE!  I hope it all works out for you!


I don't know how far you are willing to go but there is a 4 year old tri color purebred corgi (with all the papers and updated shots) in Sierra Vista AZ. His owners have to re-home him because their youngest has developed an allergy to his fur. His name is Dovis, he is an unfixed male, beautiful dog. Cooper and I went to meet him for a play date and it went well. Cooper is so submissive and friendly and Dovis is a bit dominant but friendly also. After the first initial introduction they got along well. I can't adopt him because 2 dogs is the limit in post, so they are still trying to find him a home. I can give you Dovis's mom's email if you are interested. They are asking for no rehoming fee so long as he finds a good home.

Thank  you. I will keep you posted on how my meeting with the potential rescue dog goes next week. There is a rescue in Arizona called Cactus Corgi Rescue that may be able to help his owners place him. Just a thought

Yes, I suggested the Arizona Cactus Corgi Rescue. i think they are going to contact them if they can't find Dovis a home soon. Hopefully your potential rescue goes well =).

I can understand how frustrated you must be!   I'll be direct:  I think it will be tough for you to find what you are looking for in an adult.  If you don't mind considering non-Corgis, your best bet might be an adolescent who is some sort of gun-dog mix, who was turned into rescue because he was too goofy and bouncy for his family (which included kids and lots of visitors).  Back to that in a minute, but here's where I'm coming from.

Years ago when my husband and I started thinking what kind of dog we'd want when we got a house, my first thought was "I just want a dog, any dog who is not huge or tiny, not mean, and is fairly smart."  

Once we sat down and made a list, I laughed because I realized how specific my needs were, and how unusual that combination of traits was.  Really, when it came down to it, I needed a dog who was:

--- medium sized

--- athletic and energetic enough to play around with agility and go hiking, but not so high-energy that he/she would need running time every week

--- ok with living with a cat

--- good with kids (we don't have any, but see them all the time)

--- confident enough to not just tolerate, but enjoy, meeting strange dogs, people, moving in crowds, etc on most days of the week.

--- easy-going enough to not get overly stressed by those same types of people/dogs passing by his front window every day.

--- not prone to separation anxiety and ok being home alone for long periods of time

--- flexible enough to not walk all over my push-over of a husband, yet still understand that I expected a dog to toe the line and listen to me most of the time.

In other words, I was looking for the perfect dog.  And the thing is, MOST of those things involve not just natural disposition, but extensive early socialization.   

When we were looking for Maddie, we needed "all those things above, oh and she also can't be too dominant because our male Corgi is great with other dogs outside the home but is very intense about his toys inside the home and is not likely to back down to another dog who thinks it also wants all the toys."

I realize now how lucky we were to find Maddie.  Not only is she a retired show dog (so was used to lots of handling), but she apparently went through a long gawky stage, and so after her first couple puppy eval shows, she went home with her breeder and lived as a pet.  From what I have been told (and her behavior backs this up) she was the dog they took on their boat at the lake, she was the dog most likely to be tossed in the back of the van and taken off to the sort of meet-and-greet events that dog clubs like to put on, she was the one that came along for the ride when the family went to visit friends, and she was one of the ones most likely to have the prime spot on owners' laps and get to sleep on the couch at night.   So her "ugly duckling" stage worked to our advantage; she was not sent back to the ring til she was 2 and finished in just 8 shows, so most of her life was as a well-traveled pet.

So if you are looking for an adult rather than a puppy, so much the harder:  you need a dog that someone put all that time into and now can no longer keep or no longer wants.   And how many people do that?

Which brings me back to my thoughts at the top: an adolescent gun-dog mix from a family with kids.  Adolescent because he's still got plenty of time to learn dog social skills, even if his are poor.  Gun-dog mix because MOST (not all) gun dogs are selected to at least tolerate, if not enjoy, the presence of other dogs. People go hunting or field trialing and the dogs are loose with strange dogs.  If they are prone to wanting to fight, they are much less likely to make the cut as breeding dogs.  And many of the gun dogs are happy-go-lucky (except the pointers, and Chessies).   From a family because chances are, they would have been heavily socialized to humans completely by accident, even if the original home was clueless.   

I am terribly surprised that so many people want so much for their adult dogs.  It must be a regional thing.  I mentioned Maddie was free with donation;  we looked at another adult (retired show dog, had 3 litters and was done) and the price was just a few hundred; she was already spayed.   

That said, sometimes people happen upon just the right dog at just the right time.  In those cases, though, it seems sort of like love:  you are more likely to find it when you are not really looking!


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