Tucker has dirty ears. They don't smell bad and don't seem to hurt him but he does have a dark waxy buildup in there. I cleaned them a few weeks ago and they are dirty again. We have a vet appt next week so while we are there I will have them checked for mites/infection. Is is possible for him to just have dirty ears? I don't have any dog ear experience so I have nothing to compare it to but I doubt it is normal. Prob something nasty going on in there.

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Paisley has the same thing! She was just at the vet and they cleaned them all out for me because they were concerned there could be an infection or something, but he didn't find anything alarming. He said she might just have dirty ears and to clean them once a week to prevent anything bad from forming. He gave us an ear cleaning solution. I would still have the vet look at them, but he might just have dirty ears like Paisley!
Was the wax dark in color? It doesn't look like coffee grinds as I have seen ear mites described as but the wax is brown - not a light wax color. I moved his vet appt up to Saturday just in case.
Yes it was brown-ish. It is much lighter now that I clean them every week though.
I clean Grissom's ears about twice a week because they get a lot of dirt in them when he rolls around playing outside with my other dog.
Sometimes the wax appears a little warker, but it's only because it has fine dirt in it. lol.
As long as you're cleaning regularly, and he's not itching or pawing at them, and doesn' seem to be in pain, I'd say you're fine.
I believe it's normal for dog ear wax to be a dark color. At least every dog we ever had when I was a kid had darker ear gunk.

Jack has one ear that stays clear on its own and one that gets dirty. I try to remember to clean them every couple weeks, but sometimes I forget til the one starts looking visibly dirty.
Freya's is dark too. She rolls in the dirt a lot so I'm assuming it is dirt--but I am taking her to the Vet all the same. I want to get her checked out before our trip next month--and to get her health records.
Like stated earlier, no smell, no digging, no shaking of head or whining and trying to scratch....just good old dirt. I try to wipe Duncan's ears out when ever I can pin him down. So, twice a year, I have the vet do a deep cleaning. I'm lazy....let them put up with his fighting. I swear, if Duncan was human; he would be the 5 year old, redheaded little boy always playing in the dirt, hate to get a bath and have his hair combed.
Thanks for your input! I was reading another thread and it said they should have clean ears mostly if they are healthy so I thought it was a problem. I can have the vet double check and give them a good cleaning when we are there Saturday. :)
As long as their is no smell or tenderness this is a build up of dirt and ear wax..clean out and probably need to be repeated in a couple of days. BUT..if there is smell..this could be a fungus, infection and need an ointment drop from the vet. Allergies can cause those issues or a dirt ear that has gotten wet. Ears should be odor free and clean. If she is tilting head and constantly digging at the ear and rolling around on it, it could be ear mites. If the color is getting less in color and amount then your cleaning is working and don't have much to worry about. Check for longer hairs in the ear and trim out. Also they have a powder to dry the ear out as well. My guys clean each others ears. Its so cute...one will go to the other and plop down infront of them while the other licks their ear. They love it, find it so relaxing. When that one gets up another will go over and flop down. LOL Its neat to watch.
Another excuse to have more than 1 corgi! :) They can clean each others ears.

Thanks for the information Wendy! I've been extra observant and he's been rolling on his ear a bit inside - outside he always does head rolls when he finds smelly things - but i don't think he used to to that inside really..
Lilly is the one with the dark ear wax... Only because she cleans Brody's ears, he doesn't return the favor.
I would have the vet check him out then, if he is rolling on his ear a lot. Does he have a habit of shaking his head after you scratch him behind that ear? If so, could be mites. Best to get to the vet, get a good cleaning.


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