I just took my 1-year old Corgi into the Vet yesterday and got some X-Rays done on his front arms. The Vet was a little concerned it might be elbow dysplasia, but is waiting for the Radiologist to look at it when he comes to their office in a few weeks. All the vets I've been to say he's not overweight, he's 34 lbs but he's a bigger size corgi to start with (maybe 2 inches taller than normal which makes him a little longer).


Has anyone else had anything similar happen?

She recommends having surgery done if they confirm he does have it so his quality of life could be better in the future ( I guess they take out the loose bone, and shave the joint so it's more comfortable) but it seems like it averages about $4k!  Has anyone had experiences with this kind of surgery? He's only 1 and I don't want his quality of life to be no better than he has been the last few days. He's my life.



What would I be able to do to to help him? He has a step from my bed to the floor, he's started on Flavocin (http://flavocin.com/) which I have heard does wonders, has Rimodyl when needed)


Krystina, and Rufus =)

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If you have smooth floors, provide cushy nonskid throw-rugs at takeoff/landing zones.
Thanks, I've tried my best to do that. The floor is really hard (Tiled) so I'm sure he is struggling with that. But I'll double carpet if I need to, which I just might have to do =\
Before I went through with surgery I personally would have his films sent to the OFA and let them rate his elbows. I'm not saying your vet is wrong, but sometimes they are just not familiar with the strange anatomy of a corgi.

Thanks! What's the OFA, is that a specialist? Yes she said that Corgi's anatomy is not normal as it is, so she didn't want to give an answer. If the radiologist says he may have the dysplasia, then they would want me to go to a specialist and see my options...

www.offa.org is the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. They keep databases on all types of health testing. Usually it is used by breeders, but I believe anyone can contribute. You can read all about them on the site, but the OFA is basically the "official" word when it comes to health results. If you ever see a breeder's site where they list things like "hips: good, elbows normal, PRA clear, DM clear, etc., those are all tests that are evaluated by the OFA and then posted on their database for everyone else to see.


I just looked real quick but if you already have appropriate xrays done it looks like it's $30 for an evaluation for elbow dysplasia.

Thanks again, I didn't know about the OFFA!


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