I am looking for some suggestions.  Foxy was at a kennel for 13 days while we were on vacation and since she has been home (6 days) she seems to be drinking alot more.  Her activity level is the same and she doesn't seem to be urinating any more than usual.  The kennel was very clean and she is up to date on all her shots so I don't think she caught anything there.  Our weather is also getting warmer here and this is her first spring/summer so could it just be she's adjusting to the heat?  Last night she also threw up 3 times and then she threw up her food this morning.  I thought I'd wait until she eats dinner tonight and see if that stays down and if not I'll take her into the vet tomorrow to get checked out.  Her stools are completely normal and firm which I thought was a good sign.  I don't want to overreact but I also want to be cautious with her.  Thank you for any insight you might be able to offer. 

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Warmer weather does tend to make them drink more.  Did you feed her yet this evening?  Was she able to keep it down?

Yes she ate about 2 1/2 hrs ago & has kept it down. I also went home at lunch to check o her & she hadn't thrown up then either. She is very playful tonight so I guess it's the heat & she just had an upset tummy for some reason.

My guess is that the drinking was related to whatever was bothering her stomach.  If she is now eating regularly you should be home free, if not you could try a bland diet ( for instance chicken and rice) in smaller , more frequent portions, for a couple of days, then go to 1/2 kibble 1/2 rice for another day or so. .  The fact that her stools are normal is a good sign. Obviously, if the vomiting continues, or if she develops diarrhea as well, don't wait to have her checked.

Thanks Anna, she seems to be doing much better.  At least I know what signs to look for to get her in right away.

I read your post on excessive thirst...it may be the heat...change in temp.

Our experience with excessive thirst was a sign that I missed with our Corgi (age 7), not realizing what we were dealing with.  Our case is extreme and it is very unlikely that you are dealing with exactly the same thing, but I will share my info to help, not at all to alarm or cause worry.  It sounds like Foxy is young, so I would thing it's just weather adjustment.  For us it was much different.  Stitch had been drinking a lot, but I thought the cat was drinking all the water, since he sneaks over to the water bowl all the time.  I didn't pick up on it until the vet asked if he had been drinking a lot. 

In our case, Stitch was acting normally, but had swollen lymph nodes under his chin, on his neck.  Since he always pushed our hand to the top of his head to rub him, we never scratch under his neck, by his collar.  Had no idea they were swollen.  Nodes can also be swollen behind the legs.  They're very definitive, like marbles, you will surely be able to tell immediately.  In our case, I'm sorry to say, it happened to be cancer.  But again, unlikely that your puppy is dealing with it at such a young age.  I am strictly sharing our experience, just in case you see something else is off/not right.  I am very happy to say though, that we decided against chemotherapy and Stitch is still with us, full of life and celebrating his 8th brithday this Sunday.  Check Foxy's lymph nodes, maybe inquire while you are at the vet...but very likely that she is adjusting to the warm weather just like us.  :)


You can check out our journey on Stitch's Blog @ Stitch's Story.

Please update on what the vet thinks...good luck  :)

Heather, thank you for the information.  It's better to be informed than to not know what to look for and miss something.  I'm sure you're right that it is the heat, but I'll definately be giving her a once over tonight.  I'm also going to actually measure out her water this weekend so I know exactly how much she's drinking. 


So happy that Stitch is still with you and another year older!!!!  I'm going to check out his blog.  Best of luck to you with him.


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